Who Committed Space Murder in Guardians of the Galaxy #8?

Itā€™s a locked door mystery as Rocket Raccoon investigates the deaths of the two diplomats from last issue, and Noh-Varr is the prime suspect! Check out this who-dunnit written by Al Ewing, art by Marcio Takara, colors by Federico Blee, and letters by VCā€™s Cory Petit Charlie Davis: Noh-Varr! Noh-Varr! Noh-Varr! Noh-Varr! Vishal Gullapalli: Noh-Varr!…

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Romance & Revelations As X Of Swords Creeps Towards A Conclusion In X-Men #14 & Marauders #14

Ten swords, ten champions, ten battles for the fate of the world. X Of Swords takes us out for dinner and a nice walk before sending us home twisted with a load of swords. First, Chris Eddleman & Robert Secundus take us back to Arakko in X-Men #14 by Jonathan Hickman, Mahmud Asar, Leinil Francis…

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Crossover #1 by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw Is a Laughable Misunderstanding of the Reality of Comics Fandom

Zachary Jenkins: Itā€™s here, the biggest indie launch in a very long time. Donny Cates, possibly the creator with the most heat in the direct market right now, continues with his established collaborator Geoff Shaw to tell a story about superheroes. Itā€™s a big, meta, high-concept tale that is blessedly not told in a nine-panel…

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Swords Keep a-Stabbin’, New Donny Cates and More Staff Picks for Nov. 4

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Chris’ Pick X-Men #14: Presumably we get more Apocalypse: Mutantdom’s first Wife Guy in this “X of Swords” tie-in by writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Mahmud Asrar. ($3.99) Previously, in “X-Men” … Zack’s Pick…

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The Final Verdict: Batman: Three Jokers Is Bad at Trauma (But Still Traumatized Our Three Critics)

It ends where it began. Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood hunt down the Jokers to stop their plan from coming to fruition and creating a new third Joker, hearts are broken and secrets are revealed in Batman: Three Jokers #3 from Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson. Robert Secundus: Some say Three Jokers will…

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Review: ‘Blue in Green’ Embodies the Spirit of the Jazz It Portrays

Jazz, good jazz, is a conversation in a language you donā€™t quite read. A collaboration between a motley band of discrete artists, pushing and pulling each other into new and unforeseen directions. Tight, syncopated beats laid under velvety woodwinds, while twinkling piano keys dance up and down the staff, sliding between thunderous rapture from the…

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A Week Of Magic, Mystery, and Family in Marvel Files with Amazing Spider-Man #51, Shang-Chi #2, and Savage Avengers #13!

Hello friends and readers! Amazing Spider-Man marches on unceasingly with #51 and Spider-Correspondent Tony Thornley brings you coverage, while Zoe Tunnell continues with Shang-Chi #2 after a great first issue, and finally Justin Partridge delves into the eldritch world of Savage Avengers #13! Amazing Spider-Man #51 Written by: Nick Spencer Art by: Patrick Gleason Colors…

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