4 ‘X of Swords’ Books, Rorschach, Orlando’s Big Indie Statement & More Staff Picks for 10/14

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Vishal’s Pick Rorschach #1: DC’s quest to never give Alan Moore the rights back to Watchmen continues with this Tom King 12-Issue Maxiseries (TM) starring everyone’s favorite Ayn Rand disciple. Drawn by Jorge Fornes…

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Why, Will: Hi, Iā€™m Will. Iā€™m a Mark for Colorized ‘Walking Dead.’

You got me, Robert Kirkman. The Splash There is something so unabashedly commercial in re-releasing ā€œThe Walking Deadā€ in color that I canā€™t help but like it. Tellinā€™ fans it wonā€™t be collected and makinā€™ ā€™em snap up those floppies? For a series thatā€™s already made dump trucks of television and licensing* money? Itā€™s so…

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Let’s Explore Character Motivations in BOOM Studios’ ‘We Only Find Them When They’re Dead’ #2

Captain Malik and the crew of the Vihaan II escape from their tyrannical government – and chart a course straight to the first living god they can find. But the only thing more dangerous than what lies ahead of them ā€¦ is who follows behind them. Andrea Ayres and Zach Rabiroff continue their A-to-Z examination of Al Ewing, Simone di Meo, Mariasara Miotti and AndWorld Designā€™s We Only Find Them When Theyā€™re Dead.

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The Kids Are Not All Right As We Look At Miles Morales: Spider-Man #19, Champions #1, and Magnificent Ms. Marvel #15

Hello friends and readers, itā€™s an all Outlawed special this week in the Marvel Files, as we check in to see if the teens are all right. Jude Jones will be giving us his deep thoughts on Miles Morales: Spider Man #19, Zoe Tunnell will be hitting the main event in Champions #1, and Matt…

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X Of Swords Advances As Storm And Wolverine Take Centerstage In Wolverine #6, X-Force #13, & Marauders #13

Ten swords, ten champions, ten battles for the fate of the world. X Of Swords continues this week with three comics about two heroes. First Pierce Lightning & Tony Thornley set the stage with Benjamin Percy, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matthew Wilson, and Cory Petit’s Wolverine #6. Then Ari Bard & Kenneth Laster keep things moving with…

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Batman Ends the Joker War, ‘X of Swords’ Continues, American Vampire and More Staff Picks for Oct. 7

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. This Week, in ‘X of Swords‘ Marauders #13: Storm visits her former in-laws in Wakanda to request their aid against the forces of Arakko as the X-Men event continues. Vita Ayala (Children of the…

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