X-23 Recruits Some Warriors As Fallen Angels #5 Stumbles Towards A Big Finale [Missing Lobster]

Fallen Angels #5 is here and it’s time to squad up. Bryan Edward Hill, Szymon Kudranski, and Frank D’Armata return in the penultimate issue. Husk and Bling! join Psylocke and company on their mission to stave off Apoth and his children! Then – Cable turns on X-23?!? Andrea Ayers: And we’re back, back again. A…

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Magik Comes Out Swinging In New Mutants #5 [What’s New, Mutants]

In Jonathan Hickman and Rod Reis latest New Mutants tale, our heroes find themselves enjoying space until Shi’ar politics ruin their fun. Zach Rabiroff: Huh. That was weird. Feels like we’ve been sitting very quietly in space for, like, a month for some reason. Wonder what that was all about. Well, anyway, we’re back with…

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MaREADers: Set Sail For Madripoor As Homines Verendi Makes Their First Move In Marauders #5

The pieces Gerry Duggan, Matteo Lolli, Lucas Werneck, and Fredrico Blee have been setting up are finally coming into play in Marauder #5. While the Hellfire Trading Company is facing butting heads with each other, their dominance on the high seas is challenged by an allegiance between the nations who find Krakoa distasteful, and human…

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[To]X-Men: Magneto Gives A Speech, Apocalypse Eats Gazpacho In X-Men #4

Magneto, Apocalypse, and Xavier have lunch with diplomats, while Cyclops and Gorgon ensure to harm comes to them in Jonathan Hickman, Lenil Francis Yu, Sunny Gho, and the late Gerry Alanguilan’s X-Men #4. Chris Eddleman: Rob, even after the miss that was the last issue of this book, I’ve been craving some X-Men. The main…

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Marvel Files: The Heroes of the Marvel Universe Investigate a Murder in Incoming! #1

A veritable smorgasbord of Marvel writers and artists bring us a murder mystery, as well as tantalize with lead-ins and hooks for the stories of 2020 in this follow-up to the story spine of Marvel Comics #1000 and 1001.  Ari Bard: Incoming was… not what I thought it was going to be and pretty fun? …

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Excalibuddies: The Veil Between Worlds Is Torn Asunder In Excalibur #4

Tini Howard and Marcus To continue to cast a spell in Excalibur #4. Captain Britain becomes authorized, the Akkaba Coven makes their move, and Rictor is worshiped as a god as this opening arc spirals towards its’ conclusion. Charlie: Hey Nola. I’M NOT DEAD. A little ritual magic, strength of will, and the power of friendship has…

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