Redesigning Shatterstar

I’ve gotta be honest – I objected to this round. One, it was the first time our Redesigning crew had voted to elect a male character as our subject and Two, I frankly don’t know how to summarize such a specifically esoteric character like Shatterstar. Created by Rob Liefield and Fabian Nicieza, Shatterstar has had…

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X-Men #14, X-Force #31 and X-Men & Moon Girl Kick off Our New X-Book Roundup!

Welcome to the first installment of ComicsXF’s new regular X-book review roundup column! With so many X-Men related comics coming out each month, we’ve enlisted a crack duo of writers to tackle an assortment of the notable or intriguing offerings. This week, they kick off the column with three big “Judgment Day” tie-ins! The X-Men…

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