We Covered ‘The Boys’ #1 Because We Hadn’t Gotten to ‘The Boys’ #1 Yet

When you need someone to watch the watchers and engage in some gratuitous sex, you know whom to call. The Boys #1 is written by Garth Ennis, illustrated by Darick Robertson, colored by Tony Avina, lettered by Greg Thompson and published (originally) by WildStorm. It’s the end of the line for someone. Someone that’s not…

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BatChat Saves the Worst for Last with ‘Tec, Task Force Z and White Knight

Revelations abound as we learn the secrets tying together the citizen criminals and Riddler’s secret backer in the final issue of this creative team in Detective Comics #1,061, written by Mariko Tamaki and Nadia Shammas, penciled by Ivan Reis, inked by Danny Miki, colored by Brad Anderson and lettered by Ariana Maher. In the backup,…

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Returning To The Roots in Deathstroke Inc. #10

‘Year One’ is an interesting title.Few things seem to carry the inherent prestige in their very evocation as ‘Year One’. Even decades later, we think of the high-bar and sheer power of David Mazuchelli, Richmond Lewis, and Frank Miller’s classic. And in so doing here in Deathstroke Inc. #10, we’re reminded of the possibilities of…

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A Final Farewell (or Two) in Home Sick Pilots #15

Everything ends. In fire. In truth. In a lot of house-punching, in the final issue of Home Sick Pilots, written by Dan Watters, drawn by Caspar Wijngaard, lettered by Aditya Bidikar and designed by Tom Muller. Dan Grote: Those motherfuckers got us! They Sixth Sensed us! They last-episode-of-Lost-ed us! They. Are. GhoOoOoOoOosts! Forrest, let’s just…

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