Battle Of The Atom: Interdimensional Carol Killer
This week we have two dudes with a podcast talking about Carol Danvers. Which is the most concerning sentence you could say in 2019. Ranked This Episode:
Ranking every X-Men story from A to Z. Hosted by Zack Jenkins and Adam Reck.
This week we have two dudes with a podcast talking about Carol Danvers. Which is the most concerning sentence you could say in 2019. Ranked This Episode:
Look, we are just as tired of this as you are but we want that sweet, sweet SEO boost so we got to try and capitalize on what looks to be the most insufferable film of the summer. You ever think about how jaded Adam & Zack have gotten over the years? How they no…
There’s no villains this week, but there is Ken. We all love Ken, and by all I mean Zack and Adam. Ranked This Episode:
We were going to release this on Canada Day, but that darn novel coronavirus got in the way. Anyway, Anna is here and we are going to talk about John Byrne a lot. Ranked This Episode
It’s well known that Charles Francis Xavier is a jerk. Here’s some more. Ranked This Episode:
Outgoing X-Line editor and one of the friendliest friends of the pod Jordan D White talks about the First Krakoan Era and also a bunch of stuff that we wanted to talk about that is going to make the segment who wants us to ask any questions about “continuity” or “original plans” or “dropped plot…
Ah, Albert & Elsie-Dee. The kind of characters only people terminally cursed with X-Men brain rot could love. We love them so much. Ranked This Episode
Fill-in stories are a great chance to try and get a character over. Not Hazard though, he ain’t ever getting over. Ranked This Episode:
The guy from Lost wrote a comic one time. It had Hulk in it. Ipso facto we are doing a Hulk episode. Ranked This Episode
Everyone is talking about X-Men ’97, aren’t they? Well, I guess everyone includes us because you get the unfiltered opinions of these two chuckleheads now. Also we talk about adaptations of things from the original animated series. Ranked This Episode:
The prompt was “a fine selection of Claremont tentacles, please.” So that’s what we are doing this week. Ranked This Episode
I (Zack) asked my wife if she ever thought about Spider-Man’s old pants and how that is what Venom is. She said I need to mulch. Ranked This Episode:
Nightcrawler is a constant in the world of X-Men. Here are some stories where he isn’t. Ranked This Episode
Nine hundred X-Men stories in and we may be losing the plot because oops, this one is all Malice and we don’t actually get much closer to understanding her. Ranked This Episode:
When I wore a younger man’s clothes I used to go to concerts and have a great time. Now I talk about them on podcasts. Ranked This Episode: