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BatChat With Matt & Will: All Ages Thanksgiving 2024

Our annual all ages Thanksgiving episode is back, with a new volume of Wayne Family Adventures. the sequel to the charming Batman & Robin & Howard and a one off crime story from the animated universe. In this week’s BatChat column, we read Batman & Robin: Year One #2, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #33 and The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1 Check out…

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BatChat With Matt & Will: Catman, Catman, Burning Bright (w/ Matt McThorn)

Batman rogues have some seriously strange evolutions. Some, like the Joker, have a path you can easily follow. Others, like Mr. Freeze, have just become completely different over the years. Another like that is Catman, created in the mid-Silver Age as yet another anti-Bat before becoming a joke character, and then evolving into a morally…

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