Battle of the Atom: Freakiest of Fridays
Everyone loves Amanda Sefton; it’s hard not to, despite the many terrible comics she has been in. We also love her and find, perhaps, a good gem that she has done. Ranked This Episode:
Everyone loves Amanda Sefton; it’s hard not to, despite the many terrible comics she has been in. We also love her and find, perhaps, a good gem that she has done. Ranked This Episode:
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 271: Spooky Season with Jay Stephens Cartoonist Jay Stephens joins the show to talk about his Oni Press series Dwellings. You can listen to WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible and at ComicsXF.com, where new episodes move Tuesday mornings. You can…
Good morning folks. This one is about Rogue and then also about letting Chris Claremont do whatever he wants. Ranked This Episode:
Joker is Batman’s most dedicated foe. Ra’s al Ghul is the deadliest. The Penny Plunderer is the most ridiculous (that’s up for debate, but he’s my pick). But no criminal is more integral to the Batman mythos than Joe Chill, the man who killed the Waynes (except in Batman ’89, but the point still stands)….
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 270: Flame Con 2023 with James Tynion IV and friends Matt goes to Flame Con for interviews with Stephanie Williams (Nubia), Tate Brombal (House of Slaughter), Josh Trujillo (Blue Beetle), Charlie Jane Anders (New Mutants) and James Tynion IV (name any well-reviewed monthly periodical comic from the…
Amber is the color of our energy as we return to talk all about Eye-Boy, a great guy all around. Ranked This Episode
BatChat religion correspondent Robert “Bobby TwoBucks” Secundus is back this week, and he’s brining with him Jean-Paul Valley, the vigilante and sometimes fanatic known as Azrael. We chart the journey of Azrael from the beginning of his ongoing to his most recent mini-series, with a stop off in an alternate world that is… something. We…
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 269: Streaks on the china with Michael Northrop Writer Michael Northrop joins the show to talk about his new DC graphic novel Young Alfred: Pain in the Butler. You can listen to WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and…
While Gotham City is an integral part of the Batman mythos, Batman is an international hero, and there are plenty of stories that take Batman out of the grim confines of his home city and out into a wider world. This week, we read three such stories: one a tour of the great cities of…
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 268: Schlub-a-dub-dub with Tyrell Cannon Tyrell Cannon joins the show to talk about his new Image Comics series The Schlub and a whole lot more. You can listen to WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and at ComicsXF.com, where…
Commissioner James Gordon has existed literally as long as Batman has, having appeared in Detective Comics #27, the first appearance of Batman. Over the years, he has changed and evolved as many comic characters have. Originally mostly a deskbound civil servant who was just here to turn on the Bat Signal, Gordon has become an important…
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 267: Box Brown has the POWEEEEEEEEER Cartoonist Box Brown joins the show to talk about his new First Second graphic novel The He-Man Effect. PLUS: An important announcement about changes to our Patreon. You can listen to WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify,…
Another episode of Battle Of The Atom, another chance for Zack to frustrate Adam by talking about the obscure X-Men characters only he and Steve Orlando remember. This time it’s Hellions. Ranked This Episode:
Welcome to the first episode of our new Oppenheimer podcast. This first episode investigates how director Christopher Nolan’s film deals with the Trinity Nuclear Test. What? It’s still a Batman podcast? It’s about Batman meeting Superman and Wonder Woman, the other members of DC’s trinity? OK, I guess that’s cool too. Be sure to check…
WMQ&A: The ComicsXF Interview Podcast · WMQ&A Episode 266: A Tall, Refreshing Glass of Nick Cagnetti Writer/artist Nick Cagnetti joins the show to talk about his graphic novel Pink Lemonade, his story in Oni Press’ Xino and much more. You can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and at…