Battle Of The Atom: Rather Read The Phonebook
We return to 2099 with a vengeance. Unfortunately, we are beginning to understand why these books were canceled with a vengeance. An unexpected, and historic, episode. Ranked This Episode:
We return to 2099 with a vengeance. Unfortunately, we are beginning to understand why these books were canceled with a vengeance. An unexpected, and historic, episode. Ranked This Episode:
Play catchup on your favorite interview podcast! Here are our two most recent episodes. Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 251: Doing The Nasty with John Lees First, writer John Lees joins the show to talk about his new Vault Comics series The Nasty, and the real-life horror history that inspired it. Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode…
There are many great supporting characters in the Batman mythos. Alfred. The myriad Robins and Batgirls. Jim Gordon. Leslie Thompkins. And then, there is Bat-Mite, the 5th Dimensional imp who claims to be Batman’s biggest fan. And he is, in the same way that Annie Wilkes is to Paul Sheldon (that’s a Misery reference for…
Because the site was down for a while we’re putting up two episodes at the same time. We’re doing the Brood this time. It’s the one where the Brood Queen was most likely to go to heaven. Ranked: We once again enter the weird world of Legion and let me tell you what, the takes…
I have been having a hard time saying that this month marks the 40th anniversary of the first appearance of Jason Todd. It just doesn’t seem like to could be that long ago, but it absolutely is. And so, to celebrate the anniversary of the angriest Robin (well, Damian does give him some competition), we’re…
Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 249: MONKEYS! with Matt D. Wilson Fellow comics podcaster Matt D. Wilson joins the show to talk about the Zoop campaign for his comic Impostor Syndicate, and play some comics primate trivia. You can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and at ComicsXF.com, where…
It’s over! We have made it through the entirety of our giant sized, three part 75th episode, which means we have reached the end of the 52 issues of Batman Eternal. We discuss the ending, which Will admits to misremembering, how the preview issue of Batman fit in, and how the series worked as a…
Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 248: In Flux with Matt Kindt Matt Kindt returns to talk about his Flux House books at Dark Horse, wrapping up BRZRKR with Keanu Reeves, stepping on hairballs and generally doing things the hard way. For more of Matt’s work, check out this preview of Spy Superb #3, out this…
This one is about Iceman and, as promised, we make an insufferable amount of ice puns. Ranked This Episode: Iceman Vol 2 Astonishing X-Men #62-65 Bizarre Adventure #27
We’re back with the second part pf our 75th episode and the second chapter of Batman Eternal. And this one is… not as exciting. There’s a whole lot of Hush this time. Like, a whole lot. Plus the supernatural stuff takes over a lot, and most of the cool crime stuff is forgotten. As is…
Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 247: Like a Good Neighbor, Jude Doyle Is There Writer Jude Ellison S. Doyle joins the show to talk about his new BOOM Studios series The Neighbors. You can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and at ComicsXF.com, where new episodes move Tuesday mornings. You…
The rules? They no longer apply to us. We’ve decided to stretch the premise of the podcast past the logical conclusion and into a world where frankly, nothing is ever the same. Looks folks, it’s coming up on six years, we’re deep into our having fun with it era. Ranked This Episode: Incredible Hulk #148…
So, Will has been asking for it since about episode 3, and this week, it begins. For our 75th episode, we are covering the year long, weekly series Batman Eternal. But because it’s so long, this isn’t a normal episode. The series was collected in three trades, so we’re covering it as three stories in…
Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 246: No Plans, Just Stories with Marc Guggenheim Writer Marc Guggenheim joins the show to talk about Torrent, Too Dead to Die, his Star Wars and Star Trek work and the origin of Beebo. You can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Audible and at…
A lot of people will be upset about the Morph we are spending the episode with. Those people need to remember that we are a podcast named after a Bendis event. Here’s your reminder to go read Christiana Strain’s Gen X. Ranked This Episode: Uncanny X-Men vol 3 #14 Generation X #1-2 (ResurrXion) Generation X…