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Plenty of Team-Ups in This Month’s SuperChat

It’s a Jon Kent team-up extravaganza on this week’s Superchat! DC’s newest Superman and Aquaman deal with the leviathan threat (not THAT Leviathan threat) once and for all—but interference from Bendix’s Gamorran super task force has cost lives. How responsible is Jon Kent for the lives lost? Find out, in Superman: Son of Kal-El #8,…

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Book of Boba Fett Chapter Four

Austin Gorton: Welcome back Adam! As of the completion of this episode, we are more than halfway through the season; how are you feeling about where things stand overall?  Adam: I commented on Twitter that I’m really appreciating just how Star Wars-y this show is. It feels deeply invested in what the franchise is all…

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ComicsXF’s Best Comics of 2021

Comics came roaring back in 2021 and we couldn’t be happier for it. As we look to close out the year, our staff wanted to highlight some of the best comics we read in 2021. Each person was asked to pick on title that resonated with them and stretched what comics could be. We all…

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