Batman: Dark Patterns #4 starts a new arc that looks to be as strong as the first

A new arc begins as Batman must make his way through an apartment complex to save a captured police officer. The apartment complex, though, has something more sinister hiding beneath the surface. Batman: Dark Patterns #4 is written by Dan Watters, drawn by Hayden Sherman, colored by Triona Farrell and lettered by Frank Cvetkovic. Will…

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BatChat With Matt & Will: A Biblically Accurate Angel (w/ Robert Secundus)

BatChat religion correspondent Robert “Bobby TwoBucks” Secundus is back this week, and he’s brining with him Jean-Paul Valley, the vigilante and sometimes fanatic known as Azrael. We chart the journey of Azrael from the beginning of his ongoing to his most recent mini-series, with a stop off in an alternate world that is… something. We…

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WMQ&A Episode 256: The Seasons Have Teeth, and So Does Dan Watters

Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 256: The Seasons Have Teeth, and So Does Dan Watters Writer Dan Watters returns to talk about his new Humanoids graphic novel The Incal: The Dying Star, BOOM’s The Seasons Have Teeth, Marvel’s Loki, DC’s Knight Terrors: Detective Comics and more. You can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud,…

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A Final Farewell (or Two) in Home Sick Pilots #15

Everything ends. In fire. In truth. In a lot of house-punching, in the final issue of Home Sick Pilots, written by Dan Watters, drawn by Caspar Wijngaard, lettered by Aditya Bidikar and designed by Tom Muller. Dan Grote: Those motherfuckers got us! They Sixth Sensed us! They last-episode-of-Lost-ed us! They. Are. GhoOoOoOoOosts! Forrest, let’s just…

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You’ve Seen the Movie, Spoiled It Online, Now Read the Comics in BatChat (Text Edition)

Batman, Lex Luthor, Abyss and Batman Inc. collide in the conclusion of the “Abyss” storyline in Batman #121, written by Joshua Williamson, drawn by Jorge Molina and Mikel Janin, colored by Tomeu Morey and lettered by Clayton Cowles. In the backup feature, Maps Mizoguchi solves the mystery of her missing classmate in a story written,…

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