The World is A Bunch But…We Have Comics: This Week with U.S.Agent #1, Mile Morales: Spider Man #20, Avengers #38, Amazing Spider-Man #51.LR, and Star Wars #8!

Hello friends and readers! We’ll try to take your mind off….everything….with a packed week of reviews as Dan Grote hits up the debut U.S.Agent #1, Jude Jones continues his look at all things Miles in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #20, Justin Partridge brings us closer to life incarnate with Avengers #38, Pierce Lightning looks once more…

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4 ‘X of Swords’ Books, Rorschach, Orlando’s Big Indie Statement & More Staff Picks for 10/14

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Vishal’s Pick Rorschach #1: DC’s quest to never give Alan Moore the rights back to Watchmen continues with this Tom King 12-Issue Maxiseries (TM) starring everyone’s favorite Ayn Rand disciple. Drawn by Jorge Fornes…

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Tales of the Past Are Brought to the Present as We Look at Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4, Fantastic Four #24, and Shang-Chi #1!

Hello friends and readers, after a brief week off we have a giant Marvel Minutiae this week. I stole from Zack both in content and collaborators, and as such Adam Reck will be giving us an artist-eye view on Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein and Cockrum. Liz Large gives us her thoughts on Star Wars:…

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