Battle Of The Atom: Hot Rock Star Girlfriend
Austin Gorton teams up with Adam for a very exciting episode all about Lila Cheney. Ranked This Episode:
Austin Gorton teams up with Adam for a very exciting episode all about Lila Cheney. Ranked This Episode:
Mutants have taken hostages, and X-Factor is taking the blame. But before judgment is rendered for Polaris, Havok, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy, Quicksilver and Multiple Man, Val Cooper and X-Factor will take the stand! But who’s telling the truth, and what really went down at the Latverian embassy? Find out in X-Men Legends #5, written by…
So a few months ago the good guys from Sticks & Spoons reached out to me about about doing a video based on an article of mine. I am proud to say it turned out so much better than I ever expected. Like, subscribe, and let us know if there is more content like this you…
Art by Andy Kubert Name: Guido Carosella Code Names: Strong Guy First Appearance: New Mutants #29 (July ’85) Powers: Kinetic energy absorbsion in his muscle mass Teams Affiliation: X-Factor About Always leave ‘em laughing. Nothing I could say could sum up the massive mutant known as Strong Guy better than Peter David did in his…