Here’s what we know, at the end of this week’s GIANT SIZED X-STATIX, there is a promo. It’s what we always dreamed of. It’s more.

Here what we know about THE X-CELLENT. It’s an X-STATIX sequel from Milligan and Allred. It’s probably gonna be good. Deadpool 2 star Zeitgeist is on the cover. So are (the new) U-Go Girl, Orphan/Mr. Sensitive, and of course Doop. More details will probably come out in this week’s X-STATIX one-shot. I haven’t read it yet because Marvel is too cowardly to give me all their comics for free before they are released. So hey, there will probably be a press release today with more information, I’ll add that when I get it.
THE X-CELLENT, get hype!
Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.