Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

ZACK’S PICK: Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex #1: Remember that time Jonathan Hickman casually mentioned in an interview that the version of Xavier we saw in HOX/POX was the version that had commandeered Fantomex’s body? Man, comics are wild. Anyway, Hickman and New Mutants artist Rod Reis take on the faux French criminal in this one-shot. ($4.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM ZACK

MATT’S PICK: The Dreaming: Waking Hours #1: One of Dream’s creations has gotten away from him, and it’s up to a Shakespearean scholar to rein it in in a new Sandman Universe miniseries from writer G. Willow Wilson (Ms. Marvel) and artist Nick Robles (Euthanauts) ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM MATT

WILL’S PICK: Funny Creek #1: A young girl finds herself trapped in the world of her favorite TV show, the Wild West-set Funny Creek, and discovers the downside of our cultural obsession with violence in a five-issue comiXology Originals series by Rafaels Scavone and Albuquerque and artist Eduardo Medeiros. ($2.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM WILL

ZACH’S PICK: Empyre #4: “The alien invasion claims its first casualty!” Marvel teases, in the latest installment of the publisher’s speed-round alien invasion. Don’t worry, it’s only a Marvel death. Whoever it is will be back faster than you can say “resurrection protocols.” ($4.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM ZACH

VISHAL’S PICK: Guardians of the Galaxy #5: It’s Moondragon vs. Moondragon and probably some other glorious Al Ewing comic book nonsense. Art by Juann Cabal. ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM VISHAL

CHRIS’ PICK: Far Sector #7: Now bimonthly! On today’s agenda: a giant mech fight, transforming her consciousness into digital information and a high-speed pursuit through an alien computer network. All with six minutes of power left. Hey, this series sounds great; why aren’t I reading this? ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM CHRIS

ANDREA’S PICK: Undiscovered Country #7: New arc! The expedition team crosses over into the strange new zone of Unity — a futuristic world of gleaming technology and artificial intelligence. But will it be a safe haven for our heroes, or are they destined to be absorbed into the hive mind? More post-American commentary from writers Scott Snyder and Charles Soule and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli. ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM ANDREA

JUSTIN’S PICK: Star Trek Year Five #13: The Enterprise finally makes it back to Federation space, but the Federation they find isn’t quite the same as the one they had left behind. Writers Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and artist Stephen Thompson continue the voyage home for IDW. ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM JUSTIN

ARI’S PICK: Ice Cream Man #20: Team ICM — Writer W. Maxwell Prince, artist Martin Morazzo, colorist Chris O’Halloran, etc. — do a Dr. Seuss thing that’s probably gonna F you up. ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM ARI

DAN’S PICK: Sex Criminals #30: Save for a time-jump coda issue, this is the end of Jon and Suzie’s (and by turns Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky’s) consensually sexy adventures in The Quiet. Tissues at the ready, folks. ($3.99) CHECK OUT THE LATEST FROM DAN
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.