Zordon enlists Billy’s help as the Mighty Morphin team deals with a shocking betrayal by the Power Rangers team. As the Mighty Morphin team remains fractured, Zedd launches his latest attack, and only the new Green Ranger stands in his way. But none of them realize they’ve walked into a trap, courtesy of Zedd’s new powers. Let’s dig into BOOM Studios’ Mighty Morphin #2 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte and Ed Dukeshire.

Cori McCreery: Hey, Dan, welcome back, buddy! Think we’ll find out who our Green Ranger is this month? Or should I say our Green Rangernie?
Dan McMahon: It’s so cool that he can make delicious smoothies AND kick butt. Ernie really should be the mayor of Angel Grove.
To Be the Light
CM: Our opening sequence is set in the past of Eltar again, showing us how Eltar moved from passive defenders to active defenders of the universe, and Zophram delivers a pretty powerful soliloquy about the paradox of active defense. What’d you think of this opening tidbit?
DM: This has to be the origins of the Power Rangers, right? Like we are about to see how the idea of these teams formed. Like Zophram is out here telling the Guardians of Oa — I mean the Elders of Eltar — that they need to use the gifts they have to better the universe. How do you feel about getting more of Zordon and seemingly the Rangers’ origins?
CM: It definitely feels like we’re going to get bits and pieces of this story as the series goes on, and it’s definitely a unique framing piece. It also contrasts heavily with where Zordon is at right now, because Zophram was very willing to compromise his ideals for the greater good, even if it meant completely changing his society, and now we have Zordon refusing to believe that maybe the Omegas are working toward something that will save the universe and need to make that same compromise.
DM: Yeah! Zordon is legit calling in all of his favors across the universe against his former Rangers. Having Zordon sort of lose his composure and be outright angry at people he trained is an interesting development. I am excited to see how it pours over to Power Rangers. One thing I am a little bit more worried about though is Billy…
One Must Step into the Darkness

CM: Yeah, Billy is dancing on the head of a pin right now, keeping his own secrets from the team, and having to juggle that with how he sees the rest of the team and Zordon dealing with what they feel is a massive betrayal of trust. He’s got to be sweating constantly thinking about how they’ll react to his own secret if it’s uncovered, and whether they’ll be as willing to cast him aside as they’ve done with the Omegas.
DM: Billy has always had a lot of self-doubt in the series. For once, he felt like he did the right thing. I feel like Zordon is going to be so much harsher if he finds out because of what happened with the Omega Rangers. But by Billy helping create the new Green Ranger, he helped save the world from Lord Zedd and the Dark Rangers. But honestly I think it made it worse. Lord Zedd has gone all Super Saiyan with the chaos energy flowing through him. How about Zedd’s plan actually working this time?
CM: Alright, so a part of me is just a little disappointed that Finster’s monstrous chomper putty did not get used (and the other two, too, but mostly the chomper). But souped-up Goro putty worked the Rangers over like they were last week’s meatloaf. Even poor Ernie Green Ranger got the smack lain down upon him. And how ‘bout that cliffhanger, huh?
DM: That big bad Green Ranger ain’t so bad now, are they? Poor Ernie got his butt kicked by a musical festival of Putties. Can’t figure out which is worse: this music festival or the Fyre Festival. But onto something more wholesome.
*Insert Bulk & Skull’s Theme Here*
DM: I was not expecting Power Rangers to move me with wholesome content this week. ESPECIALLY NOT WITH FASHION ICONS BULK AND SKULL. Skull punching that training dummy felt out of character because they’re the two who don’t know karate. But when we find out Eugene is doubting himself because it seems like Candice is losing interest in him, Bulk, who previously wasn’t super cool to Candice, says she loves him. There were a lot of great moments in comics this week, but this one hit me the hardest. How did you feel about the Bulk and Skull stuff this week?
CM: More heartwarming than I ever expected Bulk and Skull to be. Like sure, they had moments in the TV show, but this is much more nuanced and in-depth. The idea of Skull trying to fight Rocky over Candice’s honor is sickeningly sweet and also immensely stupid.
DM: Money is on Bulk and Skull because they’ve got the spirit.
Back to Action!

- Dan is still on Rita Watch 2020.
- It’s nice that floating heads are an Eltarian tradition.
- Does anyone want to confront how hot they’re making Lord Zedd, or are we leaving that one on the moon?