Hail Queen Elizabeth Braddock The Third In Excalibur #17

As the team searches for their lost leader, Betsy tries to fight her way back in Excalibur #17 by Tini Howard, Marcus To, Erick Arciniega, and Ariana Maher.

Charlie Davis: Well Daniel, here we are again, time to get our moving boxes ready as it seems we are going to have an extended stay in a lighthouse…and before you ask, no not that lighthouse. The one from Excalibur, the nexus of realitiesā€”the door touching Otherworld. Although, this one might be enhanced by adding Willem Defoe and Robert Pattinson. What do you think?Ā 

Dan McMahon: You know how hard it is for me to just not copy and paste Willem Dafoeā€™s ā€œHARK!ā€ speech here? I actually just bought a lighthouse themed wax melter for my desk so I have a great smell wafting around me as we write this. We should probably get into this though, right? We got some Freaky Friday action, Ric mouthing off, and my new found love for Pete Wisdomā€¦.letā€™s go.

Wisdomā€™s Wisdom

CD: You know, I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be saying this considering Iā€™m not sure exactly where I fall on the ā€œIs Pete Wisdom Good?ā€ spectrum, but I think I also love Pete Wisdom? He seems salty and untrusting enough that heā€™s scratching my itch for someone to still be rather squinty eyes at Krakoa. Iā€™ve moved pretty far past my original thoughts about how Krakoa makes me feel, but Iā€™m happy to see that someone ANYONE is being represented as not wanting to live there despite everything. Some people just donā€™t fit into a paradigm or more importantly, donā€™t want to. I like that even here a little nugget or something like that is being weaved in. Peteā€™s job seems rather thankless too, as heā€™s trying to hold down the fort in England while a bigot is pushing all his damn buttons. 

DM: I do love that idea that he thinks that Krakoa is just a ā€œterrible Margaritavilleā€ that he has no choice but to go to. Having Pete Wisdom refer to the recent anime tournament arc of X-Men as a dozen swords is something that strikes my funny bone. I donā€™t know enough about olā€™ Pete to comment on if his apprehension is valid but like I get it. They have a bunch of villains on the island who are not really keeping things 100. Plus paradise isnā€™t for some people. Despite all the good going on, I still cannot fully trust that something bad isnā€™t coming for Krakoa. Despite his attitude, Pete does seem pretty dedicated to his job and finding Betsy. 

CD: Thatā€™s something that always strikes me with characters that are salty, they usually have a heart deep down in there and itā€™s been shown, romance or not, that Pete does care a lot about Betsy and his country for what thatā€™s worth. I think it might be half the reason he doesnā€™t want to head to Krakoa permanently, itā€™s just not a place where his heart is. A big theme of Excalibur has been the distinction between being a mutant and having still having a duty outside of that. Most of the mutants we have seen are dedicated to Krakoa because of course they are, but Betsy has so much she has to worry about and it splits her time. I think Pete is the same way. I think thatā€™s really what pulls them together. Tell me Dan, have you been to a Margaritaville?

DM: Before I was old enough to enjoy one of the Margaritas actually. Quick side note: I didnā€™t know ā€œCheeseburger In Paradiseā€ was legit a song about just that. Back to our Excalibruhā€™s though because I feel that too. They all seem to be sort of split in their dedication, donā€™t you think? Betsy has Britain/Family/Krakoa, Ric has the Big Sad/Druid Stuff/Krakoa, Rogue & Gambit have their marriage/cats/Krakoa. Itā€™s a team that has a lot more going on just than their normal X-Men stuff. I think itā€™s why I am enjoying it so much. Krakoa and the ideals are more of just a backdrop for their own baggage. I do want to see more magic stuff and I think thatā€™s coming now!

CD: Correct! Just glad weā€™re here at Margaritaville and not Joe’s Crab Shack. ANYWAY. 

Moving Into the Lighthouse

CD: Speaking of the rest of the team, they seem poised to move into the lighthouse which I for one think is a great idea. Not only is it a nexus of multiversal energy, itā€™s the traditional home of Excalibur. Bringing the team out of Krakoa and into a tighter space like this can really work to showcase more character moments. Largely, outside of a few people, these characters have traditionally been on teams together or been friends. I think that gives the book a cool perspective, but it also makes me crave seeing how they all bounce off one another more. We got a tease of that last issue, but Iā€™m ready for more. Too bad it looks like Clan Akabba (the local bigots) are here to stop move in day. How hecking rude. I loved this little scuffle as a showcase for powers, especially when Ric gets to run his mouth and show off. How did you find it? 

DM: Ric is what brought us together, seems like he brings you all the best stuff to be honest. I love this groupā€™s dynamics especially in this fight. They get their butts handed to them. When they entangle Ric, Gambit is like ā€œSorta did that to himselfā€ with what he says. I love that theyā€™re here for each other but they have some sort of levity in moments like this. They know that they may get beaten sometimes but at the end of the day, theyā€™re gonna come out on top. I do have a question though. Do Ricā€™s tree wizards buddies just live underground?

CD: Thatā€™s a great question! I think they are trying to not live underground, but Clan Akkaba keep pushing them back there. They wanna do their cool rock magic, but alas. We know that the land the lighthouse is built on is special to a lot of people, not just the druids thoughā€”it makes me wonder what exactly the druids want to teach Ric and if weā€™ve seen the last of them for a bit. You brought up Gambit and Ricā€™s dynamic and I wanted to just say that itā€™s one of my favorite things. Believe it or not, Gambit could teach Ric a thing or two about being stable. Itā€™s wild that Iā€™m saying that, but I absolutely am. 

DM: Gambit has been through the gambit of woe and dealing with his powers. I donā€™t know where they are at in the Marvel age scale but I could see Gambit as an older brother/mentor type. He has been through it and has found his own identity which he has been steadfast in for a long time. I think Ric is constantly looking for something to guide him because he doesnā€™t have his own identity for a number of reasons. I do hope we get some more spotlight on these two because their back and fourth is such a great part of the series. But we REALLY cannot forget the Queen in the room…can we?

CD: Not on your life. (Winky face emoji) 


CD: Well! This all unfolded a bit differently than I had assumed! I admire how clever this reveal was. The last page of last issue had us assuming a lot of things about Betsy and the world that she had seemingly woken up in. This issue doesnā€™t waste time establishing that this universe that Betsy finds herself in not only was prepared for multiversal shenanigans, but Betsy as Queen and Captain Britain both, was also prepared. I guess we can give alternate Pete Wisdom some credit for that as well. There is a doctrine that was written up and we see it in the form of a data page. Queen Elizabeth III asks Betsy not to pry. Itā€™s probably better that way. I like this as such a small nod to how together this Betsy is in contrast to our own. Every detail thought of and ironed out. Iā€™m sure that doesnā€™t make Betsy feel bad in any way…yeah. Iā€™m sure. 

DM: Unpopular opinion but I would of stayed there. There are hundreds of people outside of her window holding up signs telling her to get better and nice things. Angel told her PR people she wasnā€™t feeling well and that was the response only hours later. While on our Earth, people are picketing against her and mutants. It shows her sense of duty to her own world that she doesnā€™t even second guess leaving ASAP. One thing she does have to face is Kwannon who on her Earth, she sort of wore her body for a very very long time. What did you think of this whole back and fourth where she couldnā€™t outright tell her the truth about their 616 relationship?

CD: I really loved it as both something the readers have been clamoring for and something Betsy has to come to terms with as well. I want to take this moment  to actually talk about the art in this issued, because Marcus To does such a great job all issue but itā€™s especially present during the scenes with Betsy and Kwannon. The slight shifts in facial expressions, the drawn out tension that you can tell Betsy wants to brush under the table but canā€™t. Itā€™s really great. I honestly think that Betsy took an opportunity to apologize, but she didnā€™t strike up this conversation with Kwannon to finally make peace with it, she did it because that meant that maybe she could exercise her demon here and still not have to talk to Kwannon and iron things out back home. Itā€™s so wonderfully human to just run away from your problems and man Betsy is great, but she has anxiety sheā€™s not working through. A very literal case of imposter syndrome. How did their conversation strike you? 

DM: I liked the dynamic of the quiet moments in between moments because Betsy was her for so long that a lot of the things she is doing, we have seen Betsy do. I think the lettering by Ariana Maher sells a lot of it for me because of the word balloons. The psychic effect is the same effect for both of them but different colors. Itā€™s a very slight thing but it works extremely well for me. As someone who doesnā€™t know the exact ins and outs of this story, I think it helped sell me on the idea even more. Did you like the aggressive bit at the end?

CD: I loved it! You know me though! Haha. Outside of what could otherwise be a bit spicy I think that the end of this issue is what really sold me on just how much of Kwannon was inside of Betsy all those years. The retcon is incredibly confusing, but the trauma associated with everything is absolutely crystal clear to me. How much was the aggression we saw Betsy display for years actually Kwannon? How is Betsy reconciling that? Itā€™s so mixed up still and I donā€™t think Betsy is all that ready to deal with it all, even if she is going to try to. 

DM: I do hope itā€™s something we see more of moving forward to give some closure to that whole…thing. 

X-Traneous Thoughts

  • This issue was severely lacking in Jamie, I would like that to be rectified soon. I love him.Ā 
  • Oh Iā€™m sure we havenā€™t seen the last of Jamie. I would like to see Rictor being gay and mean more. Please and thank you.Ā 
  • Krakoan Reads: WHOS THERE
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Charlie Davis is the worldā€™s premier Shatterstarologist, writer and co-host of The Match Club.