Here’s a little law I wrote. You’re legally obligated to sing it note for note. Don’t worry. Be happy. That’s the reality of AHOY’s Happy Hour, a comic where sadness is illegal. You can tell this is speculative fiction because it implies happiness is possible, which doesn’t align with my last few years, but hey, it’s fun to dream. Peter Milligan and Michael Montenat deliver the final installment of this series and AHOY helped raise our spirits by providing an exclusive excerpt of the series, in stores April 28th. Will Jerry & Kim be legally allowed to be unhappy? Or will state mandated joy win out? Find out below.

(W) Peter Milligan
(A/C) Michael Montenat
Lachrymose last issue! In the near-future America where sadness is illegal, the odyssey of miserabilist fugitives Jerry and Kim comes to an off-beat end. EXTRA: forlorn fiction and dejected drawings in the AHOY manner.
April 28, 2021
Zachary Jenkins co-hosts the podcast Battle of the Atom and is the former editor-in-chief of ComicsXF. Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside all this.