So the Black Fox sold Manhattan and- YES, the Black Fox SOLD MANHATTAN. Felicia finds herself wayyyyy in over her head yet again. Wow, what’s a girl to do? Another high stakes issue from the creative team of Jed MacKay, Michael Dowling, Brian Reber, and Ferran Delgado.
Allison Senecal: Since we didn’t cover the last issue, I’m just going to open this up with PHEW, the Gilded Saint. It’s not a particularly wild design in the grand scheme of things, but he’s pretty rowdy for Marvel and I was immediately like “Ah he’s a discarded Blasphemous boss, good for him”. Always love a big ole skeleton.
Zoe Tunnell: It’s a weird aesthetic pull for Marvel, specifically, that I enjoy the hell out of. Marvel Biblical Stuff usually stays closer to your traditional robed angels, ravenous demons and whatnot so this absolutely gorgeous intricately ornate skeletal nightmare is just such a wild swing to see, especially in Black Cat of all books, so of course I loved him to bits.

AS: I think that’s a big part of why I’m enjoying this new arc so much – it just feels a little genuinely weirder, and that’s saying a lot for a title that’s seen Doctor Strange shenanigans and Asgardian stuff. This is also our second issue with Dowling on art, and I know we’re both big fans of series regular C.F. Villa, but I’m personally really digging Dowling’s Felicia expressions?
ZT: Yeah! I was initially bummed Villa wasn’t here for this important arc but Dowling is winning me over. He’s still a bit stiff at times (and I think Reber’s colors don’t quite fit in the more mundane moments) but the expression work is absolutely KILLER. Her abject rage and sorrow when she’s screaming in Black Fox’s face is just oof, so good.
AS: Oh God yeah, that and the later scene where she and Odessa are having the stare-off that ends in a giggle fit. Some A-plus faces there. And he does a great-looking beat-up Felicia. Like the Yggdrasil issue, the character work is just %$#&ing fantastic. I’ve been stretched pretty thin this month and I almost had a mini breakdown over Felicia’s exchange with Peter.
ZT: Godddd it was so heartbreaking. Between this and King in Black: Spider-Man Jed is really killing it with poor sad puppy Peter Parker content. Beyond Peter’s short cameo I feel like the real heartstring tugs at work besides the scene with The Fox are in that Odessa scene near the end and then two bits with Felicia and Her Boys. Bruno and Doc are such fun supporting characters and watching her try to White Fang them got me good. …until they show back up, knowing exactly what was up with her.

AS: Phew yeah, the hits really keep coming. The scene with the Fox was just brutal. I admit to entirely underestimating Felicia and not thinking she’d actually attempt to kill him for what he’s done to Manhattan, so I was genuinely taken to the cleaners emotionally there. The Bruno and Doc bit did make me cackle in hindsight at least. Odessa…well. Now that we have the canon relationship nod to look back on in issue 3, I’m just like “there’s so much sexual tension in this room and I love it”. Instead of, you know, being really sad about it probably not going anywhere.
ZT: IT’S SUCH A NICE FEELING, OH MY GOD. It’s a bummer that it had to be done by a straight cis dude (I love ya Jed, but it is what it is) but having official ironclad confirmation that Felicia is bi has done wonders for this book’s teases and hints, especially compared to some others that are indulging in them without that same peace of mind. It hasn’t happened yet but there is NO way this run ends without Felicia and Odessa making out.
AS: Where’s Tamara? *cups hands around mouth* Gimme that l-l-love triangle!
ZT: Felicia has two hands!
AS: It’s TRUE. All the humor in this issue worked SO well for me, too. I read that “what do you smell now, baby” line in that Angelina Jolie voice from Mr. and Mrs. Smith. And several good points were made re: cat jokes in cat-themed superhero titles.
ZT: The pennies line was solid gold, right in that sweet spot where it’s a genuinely funny line but also incredibly badass. I would be lying if I tried to say Felicia with her nose busted, blood streaming down her face, with a giant shiner didn’t hit me right in my little lesbian heart.
AS: Felicia with a black and eye and bloody mouth is just hooooooottt. It’s science. Lesbian science.
ZT: I regret majoring in English, now.

AS: HA! I’m now really curious if this will go straight into the Thanos/Infinity Stones arc we know about from solicits or if this will in fact neatly wrap up. Considering just how BAD the situation is …I can see it easily getting into Power stone yada yada shenanigans.
ZT: Yeah I am still completely at a loss as to where Felicia goes from here to heisting the &%^@ing Infinity Stones. Maybe the Gilded Saint cuts her a deal? Either way I’m excited, seeing Jed is directly involved in all of those Annuals (Avengers with TRAVEL FOREMAN whaaaaaat) did a lot to hook me. Gonna be fun seeing Felicia try to steal a bunch of Actual Living People.
AS: I was about to say she can just let Staten Island stay in the Vault, but the deal wasn’t for all of New York. Sigh.
ZT: I love the idea of some dude in Brooklyn looking over and seeing Manhattan blink out of reality before shrugging and going back to his coffee. Not their problem!
AS: Ayyyyyy, New Yorkers have a bad rap but we’re pretty caring, just look at Felicia!
ZT: Heart of gold, she has.