Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays.

Cori’s Pick: Infinite Frontier #1: When our heroes saved the DC Multiverse in Dark Nights: Death Metal, everything was put back where it belonged. But Alan Scott has noticed some of his allies are still missing, and he’s determined to find them. There are others, though, who would rather remain hidden than explain themselves, like Roy Harper. Not to mention the Darkseid of it all. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Xermanico. ($4.99) Previously, in Infinite Frontier …

Matt’s Pick: Checkmate #1: The mysterious Mr. King has helped Green Arrow assemble the greatest team of super-spies the world has ever seen. Lois Lane, the Question, Robin, Steve Trevor, Manhunter, Bones and Talia al-Ghul will have to outsmart the smartest people in the world before they destroy everything in this Leviathan follow-up written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Alex Maleev. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Matt.

Armaan’s Pick: Way of X #3: Remember how Nightcrawler spent the Hellfire Gala ripped off his face trying to talk to people about the three laws? Well, there’s got to be a morning after. It’s hangover time, baby, courtesy of writer Si Spurrier and artist Bob Quinn. ($3.99) Previously, in Way of X …

Vishal’s Pick: Robin #3: Robin’s mission to get to the heart of the League of Lazarus’ inner workings has left him once again locked in combat with his fellow fighters, but never did Damian Wayne think it would lead to a beach-blanket cookout. What’s more dangerous than a life-or-death struggle for the all-or-nothing prize of immortality? Well, for Damian, it’s acting like a normal teenager. Written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Gleb Melnikov. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Vishal.

Zack’s Pick: Giga #4: Finally reunited with Evan, Aiko reveals a secret that will shake the city to its foundations. Meanwhile, the Order’s persecution of the Dusters passes a bloody point of no return. Allegiances switch and battle lines are drawn as the truth of the Giga’s origins is finally revealed. Written by Alex Paknadel and drawn by John Le for Vault Comics. ($3.99) Previously, in Giga …

Adam’s Pick: X-Men Legends #4: Continuing a classic X-Factor story by Louise and Walter Simonson featuring the original five X-Men, Apocalypse, Caliban, Cameron Hodge and baby pre-Cable. ($3.99) Previously, in X-Men Legends …

Christi’s Pick: Silk #4: Silk learns the truth about Saya Ishii from a chat with Silvermane, but he’s not about to let her live to tell the tale. Hey, remember when Silvermane was just a severed head attached to a radio-controlled car? Good times. Written by Maurene Goo and drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Christi.

Dan’s Pick: Home Sick Pilots #6: And we’re back for the second arc of this Image Comics series where teens in ‘90s garage punk bands pilot mechs with ghosts. Aka that book I won’t shut up about. Written by Dan Watters and drawn by Caspar Wijngaard. ($3.99) Previously, in Home Sick Pilots …

Mark’s Pick: Guardians of the Galaxy #15: Sure, a galaxy’s bigger than a solar system, but would you really want to mess with Abigail Brand, Magneto and S.W.O.R.D.? I wouldn’t. Not while Magneto’s best friend Peeper is around. Can a Human Rocket handle a true man of vision and absolute unit like Peter Quinn? I think not. Written by Al Ewing and drawn by Juan Frigeri. ($3.99) Check out our exclusive preview.

Ari’s Pick: Something Is Killing the Children #17: What turned young Erica Slaughter into the monster hunter she is today? Discover her true origin as she is further initiated into the House of Slaughter. But will she be sorted into the prestigious White Room, or the dreaded Black Room with her new nemesis Aaron? Written by James Tynion IV and drawn by Werther Dell’Edera for BOOM Studios. ($3.99) Check out the latest from Ari.

Tony’s Pick: Action Comics #1,032: As the Superman family fights to keep mysterious refugees alive, they find shocking answers about their lost colony. Meanwhile, Atlantis faces destruction by a host of supernaturally powerful sea kaiju, and the threat of global war looms closer. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and drawn by Daniel Sampere with a Midnighter backup by Michael W. Conrad, Becky Cloonan and Michael Avon Oeming. ($4.99) Previously, in Superman stuff …

Austin’s Pick: Green Lantern John Stewart: A Celebration of 50 years HC: Fifty years after John Stewart’s debut, this collection highlights the character’s greatest moments over the decades, from his first appearance in the legendary Denny O’Neil/Neal Adams Green Lantern run, to taking over from Hal Jordan as Earth’s Green Lantern, to being rechristened as the first mortal Guardian of the Universe. ($39.99) Previously, in Green Lantern stuff …
Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.