Weather Ahead! Our Preview of Demon Days Rising Storm #1
No calm before the storm for Mariko Yashida as she continues her journey in Demon Days Rising Storm #1.
No calm before the storm for Mariko Yashida as she continues her journey in Demon Days Rising Storm #1.
Luke Skywalker gets back to Jedi business in Star Wars #19, written by Charles Soule, drawn by Marcos Castiello, colored by Rachelle Rosenberg and lettered by Clayton Cowles. In terms of Luke Skywalker, the big hook to any of his stories set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi is the question…
Things are getting political and punchy and all kinds of complicated in Devil’s Reign #1. Written by Chip Zdarsky, drawn by Manuel Garcia, colored by Marcio Menyz, and lettered by Clayton Cowles, Devil’s Reign #1 is full of explosive consequences and actual explosions involving Daredevil, Wilson Fisk, and a city of heroes caught in the…
Big dumb action scenes, gratuitous airplane terminology? Sign us up. Larry Hama delivers some good, dumb fun in X-Men Legends #9
With DC continuity a mess of Crises, reboots, Rebirths and New 52s, some stories get rewritten and some stories get retold. Batman’s first year has been rewritten numerous times. But his first meeting with Dick Grayson, the first Robin? That one gets retold, and each time it’s tinkered with just a little. This week, Matt…