What a month for Victor LaValle. He’s got a new novel, his first since The Changeling, hitting shelves to a positive reception. The Lone Woman promises LaValle’s trademark mix of literary fiction expertise with genre bending suspense; taking traditionally lowly-regarded material and elevating them to a place of honor. He does this by the simple trick of writing good; a rarity in far too much genre fiction.
I could mostly say the same about Sabretooth & The Exiles #5 as I’m saying about The Lone Woman but I’m working under the assumption that you, a comics reader, know LaValle is better at comics than most who are out here doing it. Side by side with Leonard Kirk, he’s reinventing Sabretooth by applying the same simple trick. The man is good at writing.
Check out our exclusive preview where he, and I shit you not, pivots the entire mini series on the events of a forgotten story where Rev. William Stryker from X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills is a Satanist worshiping Nightcrawler’s dad from The Draco. Accept no imitations, LaValle is the real deal. Check out our exclusive preview of Sabretooth & The Exiles #5 and then go buy The Lone Woman and read a book without pictures. Let’s be real, it’s probably been too long since you did that, yeah?

Clark Urich has been called "The Lester Bangs of Comics" in that he too has overdosed on NyQuil