3 flavors of Pride – X-Men, DC and Star Trek – lead this week’s Staff Picks

Each week, ComicsXF staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC books come out Tuesdays (for now), everything else Wednesdays.

Adam’s pick: X-Men: The Wedding Special: Mystique and Destiny are one of the most beloved gay couples in history since they were made textual five years ago. Somewhere in their 100+ years together, the pair married, but we’ve never seen the event on the page. This year, Marvel’s Voices: Pride features the publisher’s first woman-to-woman wedding. Featuring stories by Kieron Gillen, Rachael Stott, Tini Howard, Phillip Sevy, Tate Brombal, Wyatt Kennedy, Jenn St-Onge and more. ($9.99) Check out a preview. | Buy it here.

Matt’s pick: DC Pride 2024: Dreamer makes a first-time pilgrimage to her ancestral planet. Poison Ivy and Janet from HR go spore-hunting on Portworld. Superman (Jon Kent) gets the boys together for a night out in A-Town, but things go sideways when The Ray vanishes into thin air. Steel (Natasha Irons) works up the courage to face Traci 13 at the Oblivion Bar’s Pride party for the first time since they broke up. Aquaman (Jackson Hyde) catches an unexpected ride to the Fourth World just in time for their annual Love Festival. Plus a special preview of the upcoming YA OGN The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley, as well as an autobiographical story by Phil Jimenez about the fantastical worlds that shaped him. Featuring stories by Al Ewing, Ngozi Ukazu, Nicole Maines, Claire Roe, O’Neill Jones and more. ($9.99) Previously, in Pride … | Buy it here.

Austin’s pick: Star Trek Celebrations: Join heroes from each era of Trek in stories that showcase the strengths of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, brought to you by Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, Mags Visaggio and more for IDW. Buy it here.

Scott’s pick: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4: With the Green Dragon Power Coin in the hands of someone that will shock the rest of the Power Rangers, a fateful battle on the moon commences. But as climactic events unfold, who will remain to carry on the legacy of the Mighty Morphin Powers Rangers? Written by Amy Jo Johnson and Matt Hotson and drawn by Nico Leon. ($4.99) Buy it here.

Jake’s pick: Rise of the Powers of X #5: The X-epic concludes in a battle between those who are outside time and that which is now and forever, and the result will be decided by whether someone can ultimately make the right choice. Written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Luciano Vecchio. ($4.99) Previously, in Rise of the Powers of X … | Buy it here.

Rasmus’ pick: The Flash #9: As the Speed Force glitching causes more chaos around the world, another Rogue is gifted with a mysterious powerset upgrade, while Linda seeks out the source of the mysterious voices she’s been hearing, and Barry reaches a breaking point. Written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Ramon Perez. ($3.99) Buy it here.

Tony’s pick: Wolverine #50: The Sabretooth War concludes in the way it began — a violent, bloody battle — but who will be left standing? Plus: Short stories celebrating 50 issues of this run and 50 years of Wolverine, from Larry Hama and probably some other people. Written by Benjamin Percy and Victor LaValle and drawn by Cory Smith and Geoff Shaw. ($7.99) Check out a preview | Buy it here.

Mark’s pick: My Favorite Thing Is Monsters Book 2: Dark mysteries past and present continue to abound in the tumultuous and violent Chicago summer of 1968. Young Karen attends the Yippie-organized Festival of Life in Grant Park and finds herself swept up in a police stomping. Privately, she continues to investigate Anka’s recent death and discovers one last cassette tape that sheds light on Anka’s heroic activities in Nazi Germany. She wrestles with her sexual identity, the death of her mother and the secrets she suspects her brother Deez of hiding. By Emil Ferris for Fantagraphics. ($44.99) Buy it here.

Dan’s pick: The Nasty: The Complete Series: Scotland, 1994. Eighteen-year-old Thumper Connell still has an imaginary friend: the masked killer from his favorite slasher film. Thumper is obsessed with horror and always has been. He fills his time with scary VHS rentals and hanging out with his fellow fans, The Murder Club. But everything changes when his local video shop acquires one of the notorious films known as “video nasties” — films so scary, they’re banned and burned. It’s only a movie, though, right? It’s all just imaginary, isn’t it? Written by John Lees and drawn by George Kambadais and Adam Cahoon for Vault Comics. ($19.99) Listen to Lees talk about it on The ComicsXF Interview Podcast. | Buy it here.

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Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him @danielpgrote.bsky.social.