Adam Reck

Adam Reck is the cartoonist behind Bish & Jubez as well as the co-host of Battle Of The Atom. Follow him

Does Falcon and Winter Soldier Go Out with a Bang or a Whimper?

Itā€™s the end of a long, winding, and politically muddled road in ā€œOne World, One Peopleā€ from Disney+ā€™s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Kenneth Laster: Welp the six week journey of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier has concluded and despite looking like it would end strong last week with itā€™s high point, the…

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Autobots and Retcons: Rewriting Marvel Transformers History with ā€˜Secrets & Liesā€™

Transformers ’84: Secrets & Lies Writer: Simon Furman, Artist: Guido Guidi, Colorist: John-Paul Bove, Letterers: Jake M. Wood and Tom B. Long, Publisher: IDW  The Quote Unquote ā€œMarvel Continuityā€ of Transformers vaguely resembles an Inception-like flow chart. There is the 80-issue run of the Transformers series, minis like G.I.Joe vs. Transformers and Headmasters, filler stories…

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