Matthew Lazorwitz

Matt Lazorwitz read his first comic at the age of 5. It was Who's Who in the DC Universe #2, featuring characters whose names begin with B, which explains so much about his Batman obsession. He writes about comics he loves, and co-hosts the podcasts BatChat with Matt & Will and The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

The Phantasm Arrives in Canon as Batman/Catwoman #1 Washes the Taste of Batman #104 out of Our Bat Chatters’ Mouths

Will Nevin: This is a heckuva week, but for mostly the wrong reasons — because while Bat/Cat #1 (I can’t believe Tom King resisted his urge to go there again) was overwhelmingly fine, Batman #104 is — and I say this with as little hyperbole as possible — an embarrassing look at when a comic…

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Just in Time for the End of the Series, a Primer on BOOM Studios’ Lumberjanes

This week marks the end of a series I’ve been following since its inception six years ago: Lumberjanes from BOOM Studios. This charming all-ages series, created by Grace Ellis and Shannon Watters, explores friendship, various camp skills, romance and a forest full of mythical creatures, interdimensional portals and magic. So it’s not exactly like any…

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WMQ&A Episode 136: In Search of Zest with Peter Milligan

Dan Grote · WMQ&A Episode 136: In Search of Zest with Peter Milligan We pelt writer Peter Milligan with questions about the evils of capitalism as he talks about “Happy Hour,” “American Ronin” and updates us on the status of his “X-Statix” spinoff, “The X-Cellent.” As always, you can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts,…

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A Bonus Bat Chat Catches Up on ‘Detective Comics’ and ‘White Knight Presents Harley Quinn’

Detective Comics #1,031 Welcome to a special holiday week Bat Chat! The Mirror inserts himself into Gotham’s mayoral race as he continues his anti-vigilante crusade, Damian makes a move to prove he’s smarter than Batman, and a Bat rogue makes his return in “Detective Comics” #1,031 from Peter J. Tomasi, Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes and…

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Ed Brisson Returns to Crime Comics with ‘Catch & Release: A Murder Book Story’ on Kickstarter

Ed Brisson has done a lot of notable work for Marvel the past couple years, including a well-received run on “Ghost Rider,” co-writing “X-Men: Disassembled” with Kelly Thompson and Matthew Rosenberg, co-writing “New Mutants” with Jonathan Hickman and a one-page story in an X-Men Christmas special that made Glob Herman everyone’s favorite good globby boy. …

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Sensational Character Find of 2020 or Poochie: We Review Punchline #1 in a Bat Chat Special

Spinning out of “Joker War,” Punchline, Joker’s newest sidekick/associate/disciple, gets the spotlight in this one-shot, where the forgotten member of the Bat family, Harper Row, her brother, Cullen, and Leslie Thompkins each find something about Batman’s newest rogue to fear or aspire to. It’s “Punchline” #1 from James Tynion IV, Sam Johns, Mirka Andolfo, Romulo…

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A Round of Golf and a Teenage Team-Up with Week in Marvel Files with Taskmaster #1 and Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16!

Hello friends and readers! While the swords are a-plenty, we take a smaller look into the exciting debut of Taskmaster #1, written up by the Marvel Files debut of Dan McMahon. Also, Matthew Lazorwitz is in it till the bitter, and gives us his thoughts on Magnificient Ms. Marvel #16! Taskmaster #1 Written by: Jed…

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