Matthew Lazorwitz

Matt Lazorwitz read his first comic at the age of 5. It was Who's Who in the DC Universe #2, featuring characters whose names begin with B, which explains so much about his Batman obsession. He writes about comics he loves, and co-hosts the podcasts BatChat with Matt & Will and The ComicsXF Interview Podcast.

The Kids Are Not All Right As We Look At Miles Morales: Spider-Man #19, Champions #1, and Magnificent Ms. Marvel #15

Hello friends and readers, itā€™s an all Outlawed special this week in the Marvel Files, as we check in to see if the teens are all right. Jude Jones will be giving us his deep thoughts on Miles Morales: Spider Man #19, Zoe Tunnell will be hitting the main event in Champions #1, and Matt…

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WMQ&A Episode 128: Jesse Lonergan’s Adventures in the 35-Panel Grid

Dan Grote Ā· WMQ&A Episode 128: Jesse Lonergan's Adventures in the 35-Panel Grid Writer/artist Jesse Lonergan joins the show to talk about his sci-fi one-shot comic “Hedra,” his upcoming “Planet Paradise” graphic novel and more. As always, you can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher and at, where new episodes move…

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WMQ&A Episode 126: Our Daughter Kara, a Supergirl podcast

Dan Grote Ā· WMQ&A Episode 126: Our Daughter Kara, a Supergirl podcast Xavier Files staff writer Cori McCreery joins Dan and Matt to talk about her favorite fictional character, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl. As always, you can listen to WMQ&A on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher and at, where new episodes move Tuesday mornings. You…

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WMQ&A Episode 125: Scott Snyder’s Eternal Darkness

Dan Grote Ā· WMQ&A Episode 125: Scott Snyder's eternal darkness BIG GUEST ALERT! Writer Scott Snyder (“Batman,” “Justice League,” “Undiscovered Country”) joins Dan and Matt to talk about his Kickstarter for a collector’s edition of the first issue of NOCTERRA, his upcoming Image series with Tony Daniel, his (many) plans for independent projects and a…

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Sin-Eater Looms in Amazing Spider-Man #48, The King in Black is Foreshadowed in Web of Venom: Wraith #1, and Ms. Marvel Triumphantly Returns in Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14 this Week in Marvel Files!

Empyre is finished, which means weā€™re back with our classic Marvel Files weekly reviews. And this week is a packed one as Spider-Correspondent Tony Thornley looks at Amazing Spider-Man #48, Goo Crew member Justin Partridge digs into Web of Venom: Wraith #1, and last Matt Lazorwitz gives us his thoughts on Magnificent Ms. Marvel #14!…

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