Stephanie Burt

Stephanie Burt is Professor of English at Harvard. Her podcast about superhero role playing games is Team-Up Moves, with Fiona Hopkins; her latest book of poems is We Are Mermaids.  Her nose still hurts from that thing with the gate. 

Mystique & Destiny immortalize Be Gay, Do Crimes in ‘X-Men: The Wedding Special #1’

Marvel’s first queerest family is throwing a party, and everyone’s invited! Particularly if it pleases the brides to know you won’t be home during their rapturous re-exchanging of vows. X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 was written by Kieron Gillen, Tini Howard, Tate Brombal, Yoon Ha Lee and Wyatt Kennedy; drawn by Rachael Stott, Phillip Sevy,…

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