Stephanie Burt

Stephanie Burt is Professor of English at Harvard. Her podcast about superhero role playing games is Team-Up Moves, with Fiona Hopkins; her latest book of poems is We Are Mermaids.  Her nose still hurts from that thing with the gate. 

America Chavez: Made in the USA #4

America Chavez: Made in the USA #4 Struggles to Reach Its Potential…Just Like America

Who favors yellow raincoats and long, tight braids, claims to be America’s long-lost sister, menaced America’s adoptive family, brought her to a mysterious tropical island run by scheming scientists, and introduced her to a massive retcon in which her powers emerged from their scheme? Catalina, that’s who. Her own scheme unfolds in America Chavez: Made…

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Marvel Voices Pride Banner

Where Does Marvel Voices: Pride Succeed? And Where Does It Fail?

This week, Marvel Comics is releasing the next in their series of Marvel Voices anthologies, designed to give exposure and voice to to a more demographically diverse segment of creators and characters. And since this is June, Pride Month, Marvel’s special is focusing on LGBTQA+ representation. Marvel Voices: Pride features stories from Luciano Vecchio, Mike…

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We’re Absolutely Horny For The Flex In Planet-Size X-Men, New Mutants #19 & X-Corp #2

The Hellfire Gala rages as mutants reveal their Omega level potential on Mars. Meanwhile at the Gala, X-Corp negotiates leadership and the New Mutants wonder if they are growing apart. It’s a spectacular in Planet-Size X-Men by Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia and Clayton Cowles, New Mutants #19 by Vita Ayala, Alex Lins, Matt…

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