Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

Summer Breakdown Banner

BatChat With Matt & Will: All Ages Thanksgiving 2024

Our annual all ages Thanksgiving episode is back, with a new volume of Wayne Family Adventures. the sequel to the charming Batman & Robin & Howard and a one off crime story from the animated universe. In this week’s BatChat column, we read Batman & Robin: Year One #2, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #33 and The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1 Check out…

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Mark Waid continues to be good at comics in BatChat (Plus, The Question in space!)

While Two-Face joins forces with the General, and Batman and Robin experience growing pains in their relationship, Bruce Wayne faces a threat like none he has ever experienced: Gotham Child Protective Services. Batman & Robin: Year One #2 is written by Mark Waid, drawn and colored by Chris Samnee and lettered by Clayton Cowles and…

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Catman Banner

BatChat With Matt & Will: Catman, Catman, Burning Bright (w/ Matt McThorn)

Batman rogues have some seriously strange evolutions. Some, like the Joker, have a path you can easily follow. Others, like Mr. Freeze, have just become completely different over the years. Another like that is Catman, created in the mid-Silver Age as yet another anti-Bat before becoming a joke character, and then evolving into a morally…

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Alfred crashes the Absolute Batman party as the Kryptonian Age reaches its midpoint in BatChat

Alfred Pennyworth watches the Batman’s war with Roman and his Party Animals, while readers get a better feeling for the world of this very different Bruce Wayne. Absolute Batman #2 is written by Scott Snyder, drawn by Nick Dragotta, colored by Frank Martin and lettered by Clayton Cowles. Batman and Robin must escape the inferno…

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Batgirl flies solo as Batman solves a murder and the Scooby Gang helps Oracle in BatChat

Mayor Nakano has been murdered, and Batman and Jim Gordon are on the case. Their investigation leads them to the alliance between the Riddler and the Court of Owls, as well as deceit and secrets between Nakano and his wife. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne investigates the possibility of a secret brother coming to light. Batman #154…

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