Battle Of The Atom: The Resurrection Protocols with Leah Williams
Leah Williams joins the boys to talk about X-Factor as we all forget how to do podcasts with good audio quality.
Leah Williams joins the boys to talk about X-Factor as we all forget how to do podcasts with good audio quality.
Here comes the BOOM! … Studios. This week in our indie review roundup, Dan Grote cracks open Image’s Chu #1, Zachary Jenkins looks at Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1 and Robert Secundus continues his exploration of the BOOM!-fyverse (TM) with Angel & Spike #12. Chu #1 Writer/Letterer: John Layman, Artist: Dan Boultwood, Publisher: Image Tony…
It is 1993, I am 2 years old, my mother is on bedrest with her only solace being the Sega Genesis my father should not have spent money on. We were poor, not that I understood what “poor” was, and honestly, not that I remember any of this. I remember the Genesis, I’ve seen home…
Listen, there’s not much to add here. Alex Ross is very good at art. He has been that way for like 30 years and hasn’t slowed down at all. These covers in October are called Timeless and they sure are. Check out the full press release below. Press Release New York, NY— July 20, 2020…
We’re doing hell stuff now. X-Infernus X-Men: Second Coming: Revelations: Hellbound New Mutants #15-22 (Fall & Rise Of The New Mutants)
Hello friends and readers, it’s time for a little bit of Marvel Minutiae this week. Our esteemed boss Zack Jenkins is getting into Venom #26 and the start of Venom Beyond, Andrea Ayres ponders over Spider-Woman #2, and Tony Thornley starts off Empyre tie-ins with Fantastic Four #21. Venom #26 I think it’s fair to…
Claws come out as Larry Hama returns to writing Albert, the robot Wolverine, in a rip roaring adventure on Madripoor that officially ties into Iron Man 2020 but really couldn’t care less. Roland Boschi and Andres Mossa draw the first part of this duo of issues. Vishal Gullapalli: Iron Man 2020’s in full swing, and…
On March 23, Diamond Comic Distributors halted shipment to comic shops as a response to the mass shutdown stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the circumstances, this was unavoidable. However, much has been written about the systemic problems within the comics industry that led to the monopoly Diamond held. This shutdown, and the resulting retooling…
We talk about fairy tales this episode. I don’t know what else to say. Who reads this stuff besides the ranking thing? Couldn’t be me. Ranked This Episode Uncanny X-Men #153 (Kitty’s Fairy Tale) Uncanny X-Men Annual #8 X-Men vol 1 #30
That special something, that hidden talent, that wildcard, that X-Factor. It’s that thing you just can’t quite pin down, and it’s as applicable for the colloquialism as it is the X-Men franchise that bears the name. There have been many different squads who go by the moniker X-Factor, and today, we’re going to rank them…
This week’s roundup of indie comics reviews has a heavily licensed flavor, as Zachary Jenkins decides, “Why not read Sonic the Hedgehog comics?” and Robert Secundus acquaints himself with BOOM Studios’ “Ultimate Spider-Man”-ified take on the world of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” But first, Rob looks at what Vault Comics’ “No One’s Rose” can teach…
Get dark and smokey to get all noir with the BotA Boys Ranked The Episode: X-Men Noir Wolverine Noir Weapon X Noir
Bam! Pow! Zap! Xavier Files isn’t just for X-Men anymore! In case you missed the memo, the site you love is now covering the wider comics industry. And so this week we have a roundup of reviews from across the indie spectrum, including Benjamin “X-Force” Percy’s latest crime thriller (reviewed by Zachary Jenkins), Mark Russell’s…
Hello friends and readers, and welcome to the lightest week in comics this entire year. Okay scratch that, we’ve had months with nothing. But, this was a fairly small week for colorful characters in capes but, Marvel Files has you covered. Zack Jenkins has closing thoughts on Hawkeye: Freefall (and the world we live in)…
Content Warning: There are frank discussions about sex and sexual assault in this episode. If you don’t want that, feel free to skip this week. Two dudes talk about three female centered comics with no women on the creative teams. It sure is a time. Ranked This Episode: X-Women X-Treme X-Men 36-39 (Storm: The Arena)…