Battle Of The Atom: Bless The Rains
Zack & Adam talk about Fortnite and also Storm, who we love and cherish! Ranked this episode: X-Men: Hidden Years #6-7 Storm vol 2 Ororo: Before The Storm
Zack & Adam talk about Fortnite and also Storm, who we love and cherish! Ranked this episode: X-Men: Hidden Years #6-7 Storm vol 2 Ororo: Before The Storm
Zack and Adam try recording live from their basements and also on Twitter. People seemed to like it. Unlike Hyperstorm, who people do not like for good reason. Ranked This Episode: Fantastic Four #406-414 (Hyperstorm) Days Of Future Present Daydreamers If you’re a comics creator in need, check this out.
This week we’re all talking about that JoeMad content as we celebrate a game neither of us intends on playing. Ranked This Episode: Uncanny X-Men #326 Deadpool: The Circle Chase Savage Wolverine #6-8 (Hands On A Dead Body)
X-Force, they are like the X-Men, but with attitude. If they X-Men were just all Wolverine but also guns right? While this is both reductive and incorrect, this is what society expects of X-Force. There have, however, been many iterations of this squad, and today, we’re going to rank all of them, from worst to…
It had to be done. We had to talk about it. After a long absence from the show, Chuckles Austen’s work does come back up and let me tell you, there is some yelling. Also we talk about Bible now. Ranked this Episode: Uncanny X-Men #423-424 (Holy War) X-Factor vol 3 #16 (No Dominion) X-Factor…
The first Marvel Champions campaign box was formally announced by Fantasy Flight Games: the Rise of the Red Skull. A new product format, the campaign box will feature two new heroes alongside five new Hydra-themed scenarios, all culminating in a battle against the Red Skull himself. Those five new villains players can battle against are…
Over the last few months, us X-Fans have gotten accustomed to island life. Krakoa has become our home. We visit tiki bars, hang out on beaches, and enjoy a political system that is questionable. With the recent global pandemic, Krakoa has been taken from us. Comics aren’t coming out this week, we don’t know when…
Hail Comrade! We visit Mother Russia, yes? Drink Vodka yes? Ranked This Episode: X-Men #17-19 (Skinning Of Souls) X-Men: Liberators Weapon X #17-21 (Sabretooth In Charge)
Hello friends and readers, it’s a packed week here at Marvel Files as Christi Eddleman leads up on the Road to Empyre, the clockwork-like Tony Thornley swings into The Amazing Spider-Man, the big boss Zack Jenkins takes a look back in Marvel Snapshots: Fantastic Four, and Rob Secundus delves into the specifics of Immortal Hulk!…
The bits are good but the audio is bad in this episode all about X-Factor! Ranked This Episode X-Factor 17-20 (X-Cell) X-Factor 200-202 (The Invisible Woman Has Vanished!) X-Factor 229-232 (They Keep Killing Madrox)
Crossovers are a huge part of the comics economy and the X-Books are some of the biggest perpetrators. From all the way back in Mutant Massacre, the X-Men love to get involved in each other’s business. That’s why we love them. Well it looks like the upcoming X Of Swords will be no different. Eagle-eyed…
In a perfect world, X-Force wouldn’t be necessary. Unfortunately, we aren’t so lucky. In X-Force #9, we take a load off and have a little fun. It’s a tiki bar party and everyone’s there except our old pal Colossus. On an unrelated note, Domino is suddenly feeling a lot better after her resurrection, almost as…
When you’re on a podcast sea You don’t need no memory Just a place to call your own As we drift into the zone Ranked This Episode: Excalibur #31 Journey Into Mystery: The Birth Of Krakoa Young X-Men #7 Music at the end by 8BitWaffle
Hello friends and readers and welcome to another week of Marvel Minutiae! We hope you like Spiders and Spider-adjacent folks, because it is all Spidey all the time in this week’s column. Spider Correspondent Tony Thornley spins us a yarn about Spencer and Ottley’s ASM, while Christi Eddleman gives us her thoughts on the high…
Welcome to our jam packed C2E2 spectacular. Please leave your sword in its scabbard. Jordan D White @ 00:08:05 Rod Reis @ 00:13:28 Tini Howard @ 00:23:32 David Nakayama @ 00:30:47 Ed Brisson @ 00:38:49 Matt Horak @ 00:45:16 Benjamin Percy @ 00:51:44 Adam Gorham @ 00:57:09 Vita Ayala @ 01:11:58 Gerry Duggan @ 01:19:45 Leah Williams @ 01:29:05 Thanks to everyone who participated!