Battle Of The Atom: Master Of Slays
A couple times a year, an Exiles fan asks us to talk about comics that they like and we don’t. No one is happy with this and yet we still do it. Ranked This Episode:
A couple times a year, an Exiles fan asks us to talk about comics that they like and we don’t. No one is happy with this and yet we still do it. Ranked This Episode:
Very famous author Emily Harding of Emma of 83rd Street joins us to talk about another Emma you might know. Emma Frost. Who has never actual read Jane Austen. Ranked This Episode:
Rogue, man. We all know she was a villian before joining the X-Men, but for people who only read X-Men (aka listeners of this podcast, I assume) they might not have seen everywhere she shows up as a baddie before this. We resolve that by describing the adventures of ROM, the greatest of the Spaceknights….
Welcome to the Attitude Era. Hope you survive the experience. Ranked this episode:
Episode #300 of Battle Of The Atom brings an event foretold by the sages. Ranknarok: The Rereankening. Also Brian Michael Bendis stops by for a great discussion on his time on the X-Men titles. Re-Ranked This Episode:
What if I told you that the world of 2099 is a concept that often has diminishing returns? You would probably believe me. Anyway, this one is for the boys with the booming systems. Ranked This Episode:
It’s a Cyclops week where, let me tell you what, we forgot how annoying the M-Pox era was for all of us. Ranked This Episode:
While editing this episode, Adam made a list of the stuff Zack trash talks in it: That’s why he’s the Bad Boy of X-Men Podcasting. Ranked this episode:
The Dark Phoenix Saga is the defining story in X-Men, and no character is more impacted by it than Jean Grey. This episode asks, perchance, what if stories didn’t think about it? Ranked This Episode:
We return to 2099 with a vengeance. Unfortunately, we are beginning to understand why these books were canceled with a vengeance. An unexpected, and historic, episode. Ranked This Episode:
Because the site was down for a while we’re putting up two episodes at the same time. We’re doing the Brood this time. It’s the one where the Brood Queen was most likely to go to heaven. Ranked: We once again enter the weird world of Legion and let me tell you what, the takes…
This one is about Iceman and, as promised, we make an insufferable amount of ice puns. Ranked This Episode: Iceman Vol 2 Astonishing X-Men #62-65 Bizarre Adventure #27
Bishop is no stranger to time and space shenanigans. The dude has been around. Still, everyone once and a while he sees something that surprises even him. In Bishop: War College #2 by J. Holtham and Sean Damien Hill, Bish wakes in a world where the X-Men are Black. There’s a lot we could talk…
The rules? They no longer apply to us. We’ve decided to stretch the premise of the podcast past the logical conclusion and into a world where frankly, nothing is ever the same. Looks folks, it’s coming up on six years, we’re deep into our having fun with it era. Ranked This Episode: Incredible Hulk #148…
Charles Xavier’s original five X-Men have a long history of advocating for, or executing, a genocide. We’re talking sentient races here. Jean and the D’Bari obviously, Cyclops and the Skrulls, Archangel and the whole human race at one point. Honestly it makes Beast’s unpleasantness on Terra Verde seem almost quaint. Not wanting to be left…