At Long Last, the Crocodile Monster. ‘X of Swords: Stasis,’ ‘Giga’ and the Rest of Our 10/28 Staff Picks

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Chris’ Pick X of Swords: Stasis: First of all, on behalf of XF nation: Fuck a Brett Booth. Now that that’s out of the way, GIVE US THE CROCODILE MONSTER. Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard,…

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Why, Will: Casting an All-Mutant SNL (You’ll Never Guess Who’s Chevy)

Stop booking terrible, stupid finishes, Vince. The ā€˜Rasslinā€™ Report: Your ā€˜Rasslinā€™ Dictionary  When you know your babyfaces (good guys) from your heels (bad guys), you can impress the smarks (the ā€œsmart markā€ internet fans). fuck finish (noun): a contrived finish that serves only as a workaround for bookers and fails to answer the kayfabe question…

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5 Notable Teen Titans Stories that Aren’t ‘The Judas Contract’

Itā€™s hard to be a Teen Titan when youā€™re celebrating a 40th anniversary, but theyā€™ll keep trying.  Yes, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the definitive ā€œNew Teen Titansā€ run by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, a run that rivaled the X-Men at the height of its popularity. ā€œNew Teen Titansā€ helped define superheroes…

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4 ‘X of Swords’ Books, Rorschach, Orlando’s Big Indie Statement & More Staff Picks for 10/14

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Vishal’s Pick Rorschach #1: DC’s quest to never give Alan Moore the rights back to Watchmen continues with this Tom King 12-Issue Maxiseries (TM) starring everyone’s favorite Ayn Rand disciple. Drawn by Jorge Fornes…

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Why, Will: Hi, Iā€™m Will. Iā€™m a Mark for Colorized ‘Walking Dead.’

You got me, Robert Kirkman. The Splash There is something so unabashedly commercial in re-releasing ā€œThe Walking Deadā€ in color that I canā€™t help but like it. Tellinā€™ fans it wonā€™t be collected and makinā€™ ā€™em snap up those floppies? For a series thatā€™s already made dump trucks of television and licensing* money? Itā€™s so…

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