‘Bomb Queen’ Creator Robinson on Resuming His Half-Naked, All-Violent Series in an Age of Trump

Jimmie Robinson loves Hello Kitty and says he is an “old Black dude who looks like a high school janitor.” Self-deprecating and honest about his demons, there’s nothing about the writer and artist on the surface that telegraphs the weirdness, the darkness, the madness that has enabled him to create and subsequently resurrect the Bomb…

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Interview: Zac Thompson talks about a key episode of ‘Angel’ ahead of his BOOM run (Part II of II)

Bryan Edward Hill and Gleb Melnikov revitalized and reimagined Angel for a new age in Angel & Spike. This September, Zac Thompson and Hayden Sherman are continuing that reimagination, starting Sept. 23 in Angel & Spike #14, and hoping to create stories in the BOOM!-fyverse that both capture the magic of the original series and critically reevaluate the source material….

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Interview: David Pepose takes us back to Oz, er, ‘The O.Z.,’ in new Kickstarter

Comics have a long history of taking traditional tales and giving them new takes, whether it’s Stan Lee and Jack Kirby recasting the Norse gods as superheroic archetypes in “The Mighty Thor” or Alan Moore cramming an entire 19th-century lit class’ worth of characters into one story in “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”  Writer David Pepose…

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Writer Eliot Rahal on Black Lives Matter protests, living in a pandemic and sexual abusers in comics

Eliot Rahal is not a saint. He’s not a hero. He’s just a guy — albeit one who can write some great comics — who lives 15 minutes away from the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct, the den of corruption and indifference that became the epicenter of protests after George Floyd’s death at the hands…

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Kickstarter spotlight: Joe Glass talks LGBTQ revenge comic ‘Glitter Vipers’

As I write this, it’s June 30, the final day of LGBTQ Pride Month (and the eve of Wrath Month). And by a nice coincidence, it’s time for another Kickstarter spotlight.  “Glitter Vipers,” from writer Joe Glass (“The Pride”), artist Kate Fleming, colorist Kelly Fitzpatrick, letterer Lucas Gattoni, editor Ted Brandt (“Crowded”) and cover artist…

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Writer W. Maxwell Prince on Dropping Cameron Stewart, His ‘Ice Cream Man’ Plans and Remaking the World

Writer W. Maxwell Prince — the man behind the scripts behind the surreal “Ice Cream Man” anthology series at Image Comics and the similarly weird “King of Nowhere” at BOOM Studios — is reclusive
ish. He escaped Twitter (genius), and he gets his comic book industry news, he says, from friends — like when one told…

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