Ron Becomes a Papa (Maybe), and We Grapple with Pratfalls in Spy Superb

Ron Livingston gets farther away from everyone and everything he’s ever known and closer to the end in Traveling to Mars #2, written by Mark Russell, drawn by Roberto “Dakar” Meli, colored by Chiara di Francia, lettered by Mattia Gentili and published by Ablaze. Actress Maisie Wade confronts the murderous fans who’ve invaded her home…

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Sinister, Sinister Everywhere in Sins of Sinister #1!

Sinister has replaced key members of Krakoa’s Quiet Council with genetically altered toadies, leading to a years-long experiment in Sinisterarchy in Sins of Sinister #1 is written by Kieron Gillen, with art by Lucas Werneck, colors by Bryan Valenza, letters by Clayton Cowles, with guest art by Geoffrey Shaw, Marco Checchetto, Juan JosĂ© Ryp, David…

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