The Search for Gwens in Spider-Gwen: GwenVerse #3!

Stylish but frazzled, overworked yet cheerful, our hero Gwen Stacy from Earth-65 (Spider-Gwen) must travel the timeline and the multiverse to find five alternate Gwens before the apocalyptic baddie Finale can invade, or erase, or rewrite, or something, Earth-65’s New York! What will she find when she dares to visit…. the late 1980s? Spider-Gwen: Gwen-Verse…

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Stare at Your Skreen to Read Our Take on Aliens and Spaceships Made of Spines

Holy shit, it’s an anthology-themed week! What will you do when the skreens and the robots come for you and Old Glory Insurance isn’t around? Nothing, apparently, in NewThink #1, written by Gregg Hurwitz, drawn by Mike Deodato Jr., colored by Lee Loughridge, lettered by AndWorld Design and published by AWA. So what if your…

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