It’s Full Speed Ahead in Crime Syndicate #2

With new universes still cooling off from their recreation post-Death Metal, Earth-3’s mightiest supervillains have yet to come together as a team. The appearance of Starro seems to be forcing their hand, as the mind-controlling conqueror from the stars makes Earth-3 its latest target. The villains of this world aren’t about to go down without…

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Nuclear Family: The Standard Cold War Post-Apocalyptic Box of Giggles — with a Twist

Where will you be when the bombs drop? And when you emerge from whatever shelter you were able to find, what will the world look like around you? Good luck 
 with whatever finds you. Nuclear Family #1/#2 by writer Stephanie Phillips, artist Tony Shasteen, colorist JD Mettler, letterer Troy Peteri and publisher AfterShock. Based…

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Department of Truth Continues to Deviate into Strangeness and Goodness

It’s the second of two “deviations,” detours with guest artists that shine the light of inquiry into the darker corners of the universe created by writer James Tynion IV and artist Martin Simmonds. Are you prepared for Department of Truth #7 by Tynion, artist Tyler Boss, colorist Roman Titov, letterer Aditya Bidikar, designer Dylan Todd…

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