The X-Men Find Their Place In This New World In Marvel’s Voices #1, A Celebration Of Diverse Creators And Characters

For the last few years, Marvel’s podcast Marvel’s Voices has been highlighting the diverse viewpoints of the organizations creators. Now, that project is expanding into a new one-shot lead by X-Office Editor Chris Robinson. Marvel’s Voices #1 is a one-shot anthology celebrating the diverse creators and characters in the Marvel Universe. For readers of this…

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Three New X-Related Titles Announced: X-Men/Fantastic Four, Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost, Marvel

In what has turned into a jam packed Friday morning, Marvel has announced three new X-Related titles. First off is the return of GIANT-SIZE X-MEN, the classic titled that kicked off the all-new, all-different, and commercially successful era of the X-Books back in 1975. This will be an ongoing series written by Jonathan Hickman with…

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Carmen Carnero To Draw X-CORP

As revealed in the letters pages of CAPTAIN MARVEL #11, Carmen Carnero (CAPTAIN MARVEL, X-MEN: RED) will be returning to the X-Line to draw X-Corp. Issue #1 will be released on February 2nd but no other details about the project were announced. Marvel has confirmed with Xavier Files that a more formal announcement with additional…

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Ben Percy, Adam Kubert, & Victor Bogdonavic Unleashed Their Claws As The Team Behind WOLVERINE At NYCC

Announced on the main stage of New York Comic Con, some familiar faces are going to be the creative team on the upcoming WOLVERINE ongoing series. Ben Percy (X-FORCE, WOLVERINE: THE LONG NIGHT) will write the series with Adam Kubert (WOLVERINE, WEAPON X, WOLVERINE: WEAPON X) and Victor Bogdanovic (ACTION COMICS, THE SILENCER) on art…

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