‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow’ #1, ‘No One’s Rose #3,’ & ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ Annual 2020: Your Indie Triple Play for July 8

This week’s roundup of indie comics reviews has a heavily licensed flavor, as Zachary Jenkins decides, “Why not read Sonic the Hedgehog comics?” and Robert Secundus acquaints himself with BOOM Studios’ “Ultimate Spider-Man”-ified take on the world of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” But first, Rob looks at what Vault Comics’ “No One’s Rose” can teach…

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God Loves, Man Kills, Marvel Repackages And More In Our Staff Picks For July 8

Each week, XavierFiles staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. DCeased: Dead Planet #1: Once more unto the zom-breach. An all-grown-up Jon Kent, Damian Wayne and Cassie Sandsmark headline the latest helping of DC’s zombie-apocalypse franchise, written by Tom Taylor (“X-Men Red”) and drawn by…

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Reconciling with Otto

A Look at the Finale of Superior Spider-Man (2019) Twilight will come for the gods, and the status quo will be reset; Batman will be young again, Spider-Man will become unmarried, and everything begins anew.  The idea of this Ragnarok for these characters is divisive for many.  Conceptually, losing out on years of progress and…

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Kickstarter spotlight: Joe Glass talks LGBTQ revenge comic ‘Glitter Vipers’

As I write this, it’s June 30, the final day of LGBTQ Pride Month (and the eve of Wrath Month). And by a nice coincidence, it’s time for another Kickstarter spotlight.  “Glitter Vipers,” from writer Joe Glass (“The Pride”), artist Kate Fleming, colorist Kelly Fitzpatrick, letterer Lucas Gattoni, editor Ted Brandt (“Crowded”) and cover artist…

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Writer W. Maxwell Prince on Dropping Cameron Stewart, His ‘Ice Cream Man’ Plans and Remaking the World

Writer W. Maxwell Prince — the man behind the scripts behind the surreal “Ice Cream Man” anthology series at Image Comics and the similarly weird “King of Nowhere” at BOOM Studios — is reclusive…ish. He escaped Twitter (genius), and he gets his comic book industry news, he says, from friends — like when one told…

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