Free X-Men Comic On July 15th

We’ve been wondering what’s going on with Free Comic Book Day. We need that sword content that the X-Office has promised us. We need folks to freak out about Tom Taylor doing something. We need those free comics that we crave. Also Spider-Man stuff I guess. Well, those Free Comic Books are coming, just in…

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Our Fight Endures

A proud New Orleanian living in the District of Columbia, Jude Jones is a professional thinker, amateur photographer, burgeoning runner and lover of Black culture, love and life. Magneto and Cyclops (and Killmonger) were right.Find more of Jude’s writing here. It always begins the same. They arrive. They are different – some in ways barely…

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Alien Pets, Alien Suits, Alien Friends & Moon Gods This Week As We Cover Avengers #33, Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #1, Amazing Spider-Man #43, And Venom #25 On Marvel Files

Hello friends and readers, we have actual physical books to cover for you this week, so in celebration, we decided to do all of them! Zack Jenkins digs into Avengers #33 by Aaron and Garron, while Liz Large dusts off the new #1 of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra by Wong and Cresta. Finally, itā€™s time…

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Relive The Time Marvel Printed A Two Hour Conversation Where 70s Comics Legends Argued About The Exorcist (Plus! How A Witch Gave Doug Moench An STD)

Mags Immortal is a spinoff of Times Immortal, where Robert Secundus and Zach Rabiroff dive into the weird and wild world of 1970s Marvel Magazines. CW: violence, implied sexual violence, incest, suicide, torture, and religious trauma Robert Secundus: Last time on Mags Immortal we looked at some wonderful comics. But they werenā€™t what really wowed…

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Enter The World Of Marvel’s 70s Horror Mags With Haunt Of Horror #3

Mags Immortal is a spinoff of Times Immortal, where Robert Secundus and Zach Rabiroff dive into the weird and wild world of 1970s Marvel Magazines. CW: violence, implied sexual violence, incest, suicide, torture, and religious trauma Robert Secundus: The other day, while doing research (read: justifying spending money on weird comics stuff on ebay), I…

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Inside The ColleXion: Your First Look At The New Fan Created Trading Card Set

Comics, especially X-Men comics, and trading cards have a long history together. The X-Men trading cards, followed by the larger Marvel sets, started right as the comics hit their most financially successful period. Trading cards were included in some of the biggest launches, like X-Force #1 and X-Cutionerā€™s Song. Marvelā€™s acquisition of the trading card…

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Isabelle: Racing Legend

I donā€™t play Animal Crossing, so the last few weeks on social media have been Greek to me. However, I have been playing a lot of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and Iā€™ve discovered something. Isabelle rocks. I typically race as either Toad or Toadette. The small, compact characters (or Light) take turns better, especially on…

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Islandology: Bakhtin & Animalese

Weā€™re going to be talking about a few terms from the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, a 20th century Russian literary critic and semiotician. First of all, ā€œheteroglossia.ā€ Heteroglossia is:  ā€œthe base condition governing the operation of meaning in any utterance. It is that which insures the primacy of context over text. At any given time,…

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