An action-packed CXF mini reviews covers The Ultimates, Sentinels, GI Joe and New Champions

In a bid to broaden the number of comics we cover at ComicsXF, we give you, the reader, these mini reviews of some recent releases. The Ultimates #8 W: Deniz Camp | A: Juan Frigeri | C: Federico Blee | L: Travis Lanham | P: Marvel Deniz Camp and Juan Frigeri transport their extraordinary universe building through…

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The transitive property of Erica Schultz in our EXCLUSIVE preview of Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2

Erica Schultz writes Wolverine. Erica Schultz writes Daredevil. Ergo, Erica Schultz writes Wolverine teaming up with Daredevil. Check out our exclusive preview of Laura Kinney: Wolverine #2, out next week, and keep scrolling for the basic deets. And for our review of issue #1, click here. (W) Erica Schultz (A) Belviso, Giada (CA) Elena Casagrande…

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The Uncanny Experience to celebrate 25 years of X-Men: Evolution this summer

The Uncanny Experience, Minneapolis’ X-Men fan convention and immersive experience, recently announced a new batch of guests for its third show this summer, along with its theme: a celebration of X-Men Evolution. For the previous two shows, The Uncanny Experience drew heavily on fan affection for X-Men: The Animated Series (and its surprisingly good follow-up,…

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A Russian twist in Batman, a messy divorce in Two-Face and a sweet train fight in Batgirl

The Riddler’s plan stands revealed, but there is more to all of the chaos in Gotham, as Batman learns who has been pulling the Court of Owls’ strings. Batman #156 is written by Chip Zdarsky, drawn by Tony Daniel, colored by Tomeu Morey and lettered by Clayton Cowles.  Divorce cases are often ugly things. Divorce…

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