Ron Becomes a Papa (Maybe), and We Grapple with Pratfalls in Spy Superb

Ron Livingston gets farther away from everyone and everything he’s ever known and closer to the end in Traveling to Mars #2, written by Mark Russell, drawn by Roberto “Dakar” Meli, colored by Chiara di Francia, lettered by Mattia Gentili and published by Ablaze. Actress Maisie Wade confronts the murderous fans who’ve invaded her home…

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The WMQ&A 5th Anniversary Three Amigos Dollar Bin Spectacular (with Adam Reck)

Dan Grote ¡ The WMQ&A 5th Anniversary Three Amigos Dollar Bin Spectacular (with Adam Reck) Dan and Matt celebrate five years of podcasting with a salute to the dollar bin and its many treasures, guest starring Third Amigo Rob Lynch and Battle of the Atom’s Adam Reck. Featuring discussions of Alpha Flight! Herb Trimpe! Alexander…

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