Thievery and Flirtation Galore in Gambit #4!

Theft on an old-school riverboat! Big flirty eyes! Red irises! Flying playing cards! Adorable ‘Ro hanging out with a powerful grandma! Yep, it’s Gambit #4, written by Chris Claremont, drawn by Sid Kotian, colors by Espen Grundetjern, letters by Tom Orzechowski VC’s Clayton Cowles, although you could have fooled me. Stephanie Burt: Austin, do you…

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Entry 082 – Gambit

Name: Remy LeBeau Code Names: Gambit First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual #14 (July ’90) Powers: Can charge objects with kinetic energy, southern charm Teams Affiliation: X-Men, Marauders, X-Factor, Horsemen About When I was 10 Sonic Adventure 2 Battle came out. That game introduced a dark brooding version of Sonic the Hedgehog creatively named Shadow the Hedgehog. He…

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Which X-Men Vape?

In our modern 2017 world, one question haunts all. “Do you vape bro?” Today I intend to answer this for the X-Men. Please note that my answers are definitive based on my experience as both a self-proclaimed X-Pert and a 2016 Reddit /r/comicbooks “/r/comicbooks Award” nominee (of which I was robbed). Professor X – He…

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