Why, Will: The Cowards of the Country

Everything is bad. And there are a few people to blame. The Splash When Iā€™m good and angry and I want to wreck someone and the facts fit the moment, I reach for something special. Itā€™s not ā€œassholeā€ (vague, common), nor ā€œbastardā€ (weak) nor ā€œmotherfuckerā€ (got a nice sound to it, but itā€™s not angry…

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Why, Will: Hi, Iā€™m Will. Iā€™m a Mark for Colorized ‘Walking Dead.’

You got me, Robert Kirkman. The Splash There is something so unabashedly commercial in re-releasing ā€œThe Walking Deadā€ in color that I canā€™t help but like it. Tellinā€™ fans it wonā€™t be collected and makinā€™ ā€™em snap up those floppies? For a series thatā€™s already made dump trucks of television and licensing* money? Itā€™s so…

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ā€˜Ice Cream Man: Quarantine Comixā€™: Exciting. Scary.

ā€œIā€™m so excited. Iā€™m so scared. Iā€™m so, Iā€™m soā€¦scared!ā€ Poor Jessie Spanoā€™s ā€œSaved by the Bellā€ lament came almost 30 years ago; her heart kathumping on account of her reliance on ā€œKeep Alertā€ caffeine pills to keep up with both school and her singing group, Hot Sundae. (The episode ā€œJessieā€™s Songā€ is much goofier…

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The Ice Cream Man Cometh and Kate Pryde Seeks Revenge in Our Staff Picks for Sept. 9

Each week, Xavier Files staff offer their recommendations for what to read. New DC comics come out Tuesdays, everything else Wednesdays. Will’s Pick Ice Cream Man Presents Quarantine Comix Special #1: During the height of the pandemic in the spring, Team Ice Cream Man – writer W. Maxwell Prince, artist Martin Morazzo, colorist Chris O’Halloran…

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Indie Triple Play: Ice Cream Man, Transformers/My Little Pony, Bad Mother

What happens when a mother has taken all she can and decides to go Liam Neeson on everyone? What happens when ponies and Autobots roll out together? What happens when comics’ sickest horror anthology takes on beloved children’s classics? Find out in this week’s Triple Play, as Will Nevin reviews Ice Cream Man #20, Zachary…

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Writer W. Maxwell Prince on Dropping Cameron Stewart, His ā€˜Ice Cream Manā€™ Plans and Remaking the World

Writer W. Maxwell Prince ā€” the man behind the scripts behind the surreal ā€œIce Cream Manā€ anthology series at Image Comics and the similarly weird ā€œKing of Nowhereā€ at BOOM Studios ā€” is reclusiveā€¦ish. He escaped Twitter (genius), and he gets his comic book industry news, he says, from friends ā€” like when one told…

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