Primer Update: May 2021

Last month we launched a new part of ComicsXF: Primer. Our goal with Primer continues to be to provide examples of the best comics to read, whether looking to add something to your current pull list, or read up on a character you are interested in, but never knew quite where to start or what…

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The End of Outlawed in Champions #5

Action unfolds and stories resolve in the fifth and  final chapter of Champions: Outlawed. Will our heroes free their compatriots and clear their names? Will truth and justice prevail, or will the American way of corporate-funded chaos continue to reign? It’s Champions #5 written by Eve L. Ewing, with art by Bob Quinn, colors by…

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Why, Will: The Cowards of the Country

Everything is bad. And there are a few people to blame. The Splash When I’m good and angry and I want to wreck someone and the facts fit the moment, I reach for something special. It’s not “asshole” (vague, common), nor “bastard” (weak) nor “motherfucker” (got a nice sound to it, but it’s not angry…

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