A Longstanding LGBTQ Relationship Was Casually Dismantled In ICEMAN #9

This article contains spoilers for ICEMAN #9

In Peter David, Marco Santucci, and Valentine De Landro’s X-FACTOR #45 back in 2009 fans were surprised to see Shatterstar plant a kiss on the lips of teammate Rictor. It was the first male/male romantic kiss between majoy characters appear on-panel in a Marvel comic. The two have since been in a long-term relationship that fans called RicStar, most recently in Matthew Rosenberg and Javier Garron’s SECRET WARRIORS #3 where they had great matching mustaches. That honeymoon seems to be over as of today.

In ICEMAN #9 by Sina Grace and Robert Gill the X-Men throw a going away party for Iceman. As part of his solo series, Bobby Drake is moving to Los Angles and is saying his goodbyes. Rictor stops by to mention that he and Shatterstar have been on a break and asks Iceman to hit him up when he is back in New York before walking out of the issue.

To see one of the longest standing LGBTQ relationships in comics casually dismantled was troubling for fans of the coupling. More upsetting is that it continues the trend of separating LGBTQ couples at Marvel. Angela and Serra, America Chavez and Lisa, even young Iceman and his Inhuman boyfriend Romeo have all been decoupled in the last year. Iceman editor Chris Robinson was asked about this decision but declined saying it was “way too early to discuss”.

However, all hope for the couple is not lost. Back in early December NEW MUTANTS: DEAD SOULS writer Matthew Rosenberg commented on fans fears that Rictor would appear on the team without Shatterstar.


NEW MUTANTS: DEAD SOULS artist Adam Gorham has also previously shared art of Shatterstar in the series.


What this means long-term is anyone’s guess. As of now, it appears that Marvel has casually dismantled one of the longest standing LGBTQ relationships in comics. However, this may not be a long-standing change and fans should heed Rosenberg’s advice and be patient.


1/3/18 3:30 PM

Sina was kind enough to respond to this, reiterating that fans need to hold their horses and not get too worked up over sensationalist article titles.

1/3/18 4:15 PM

I reached out to Matthew Rosenburg about this development and he had this to say to me.

Me and Sina talked about this a bunch before he did it. I think we are both interested in seeing Rictor and Shatterstar be real, 3 dimensional characters. I think in doing that, they are going to hit some rough patches, but hopefully they come out of that in a place that makes fans happy and makes their relationship feel even more real. And for what it’s worth, Shatterstar will be appearing in New Mutants at least a little.

Keep on holding on Ricstar shippers, it isn’t going to be the smoothest ride but it looks like your favorite characters are going to get a lot of attention in the coming months.

Zachary Jenkins runs ComicsXF and is a co-host on the podcast “Battle of the Atom.” Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside of all this.