Spidey and Boomerang Team Up To Save Their Pal Gog in Amazing Spider-Man #62

Spider-Man and Boomerang have to save adorable miniature kaiju Gog from the Kingpin before the alien wrecks things. Naturally things go wrong, from Nick Spencer, Patrick Gleason, Edgar Delgado and Joe Caramagna. This issue truly reveals the difficult duality of Amazing Spider-Man. On one hand, it’s an extremely frustrating soap opera that’s insistent on telling…

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Blood, Slime, Rocky Relationships, and Fastlane? Here is Your Week In Wrestling

Charlie Davis: The days are blending together and there is more wrestling than anyone can possibly consume! But I’ve got a Gin and Tonic and a can-try attitude so anything is possible! No, but really. Wrestlemania is coming soon, the AEW women are stepping up in a big way, and I GUESS Impact Wrestling is…

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