Enter The 6th Cosmos, Home Of Galactus, In Our Exclusive Preview Of Defenders #2

As longtime readers of Al Ewing’s work know, the 616 is currently in its 8th iteration of the cosmos. [Ed. note: As a site that came to notoriety through X-Men, I have to note that this is fully unrelated to the lives of Moira X.] In Ultimates2 #100, we saw all of the multiverses from other iterations of the cosmos [Ed. note: Except The Fourth World because that’s the one Jack Kirby made for the Detective Comics Comics Corporation.] to battle the corrupt First Firmament, the original multiverse. The 616 was in the 7th multiverse until Secret Wars restarted to multiverse into the 8th iteration, creating to Marvel mobile game currency ISO-8 because Al Ewing can somehow even make that a cool and interesting thing. As we also know, Galactus, born Galan of Taa, was and is the sole survivor of the 6th multiverse. This is a lot of heady and confusing cosmic stuff and trust me, it is important to Defenders #2.

Ultimates2 #100 | Marvel | Andrade

We say all this to say that Al Ewing and rock star artist Javier Rodriguez are taking Doctor Strange’s new Defenders back to the 6th Cosmos, back to Taa, back to the origins of Galactus. His one time herald, The Silver Surfer? He is conflicted about all this. The issue promises to tell us more about Galactus’ mom, who I don’t think anyone has ever wondered about but that just makes me even more fascinated about the story. If she is anything like her son, I hope she steps on me. [Ed. note: Platonically]

The issue comes out next week, and we were smitten with the first issue, but until then we have an exclusive preview of Defenders #2 to share with you. Enter, if you dare.

Zachary Jenkins runs ComicsXF and is a co-host on the podcast “Battle of the Atom.” Shocking everyone, he has a full and vibrant life outside of all this.