Prepare to Be Assessed in Our Exclusive Preview of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #35

The Space Stone host Quantum and the Assessor are back, so you know it doesn’t bode well for Miles or Shift. Their only hope? The Beyond Corporation. But wait, isn’t Beyond suing Miles for trademark infringement? Anyway, according to the upper lefthand corner of the cover, this issue marks 275 issues of Miles Morales’ adventures as Spider-Man, so that’s neat.

For more on Miles, check out Jude Jones’ ongoing coverage of the series.

Writer: Saladin Ahmed
Artists: Michele Bandini and Luigi Zagaria
Inkers: Bandini, Elisabetta D’Amico and Zagaria
Colorist: David Curiel
Letterer: Cory Petit


Release date: Feb. 16

Dan Grote is the editor and publisher of ComicsXF, having won the site by ritual combat. By day, he’s a newspaper editor, and by night, he’s … also an editor. He co-hosts The ComicsXF Interview Podcast with Matt Lazorwitz. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids and two miniature dachshunds, and his third, fictional son, Peter Paul Winston Wisdom. Follow him