Will Nevin

Will Nevin loves bourbon and AP style and gets paid to teach one of those things. He is on Twitter far too often.

‘Bomb Queen’ Creator Robinson on Resuming His Half-Naked, All-Violent Series in an Age of Trump

Jimmie Robinson loves Hello Kitty and says he is an “old Black dude who looks like a high school janitor.” Self-deprecating and honest about his demons, there’s nothing about the writer and artist on the surface that telegraphs the weirdness, the darkness, the madness that has enabled him to create and subsequently resurrect the Bomb…

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Why, Will: Every comic is disposable — even the ‘great’ ones (aka Will read ‘Cerebus’)

Nothing is so important that we must sacrifice decency or respect for others. Last Time on ‘Why, Will’ Imagine this conversation 50 years from now: “Pep Pep, was there *really* a coronavirus pandemic? And more than 150,000 people died? And the United States kinda did nothing?” “That’s all true, kiddo. It was a nightmare. Daily!”…

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Writer Eliot Rahal on Black Lives Matter protests, living in a pandemic and sexual abusers in comics

Eliot Rahal is not a saint. He’s not a hero. He’s just a guy — albeit one who can write some great comics — who lives 15 minutes away from the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct, the den of corruption and indifference that became the epicenter of protests after George Floyd’s death at the hands…

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Indie Triple Play: Ice Cream Man, Transformers/My Little Pony, Bad Mother

What happens when a mother has taken all she can and decides to go Liam Neeson on everyone? What happens when ponies and Autobots roll out together? What happens when comics’ sickest horror anthology takes on beloved children’s classics? Find out in this week’s Triple Play, as Will Nevin reviews Ice Cream Man #20, Zachary…

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Indie Triple Play: Snake Eyes: Deadgame, Savage Dragon and Rick & Morty Go to Hell

This week in our roundup of indie comics, Ian Gregory examines The Rob’s latest attempt to shake up a storied franchise, Robert Secundus jumps all the way into the deep end of Savage Dragon, and Will Nevin goes to Hell (or a simulation thereof?) with Rick and Morty. G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes: Deadgame Story/Art: Rob…

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Writer W. Maxwell Prince on Dropping Cameron Stewart, His ‘Ice Cream Man’ Plans and Remaking the World

Writer W. Maxwell Prince — the man behind the scripts behind the surreal “Ice Cream Man” anthology series at Image Comics and the similarly weird “King of Nowhere” at BOOM Studios — is reclusive
ish. He escaped Twitter (genius), and he gets his comic book industry news, he says, from friends — like when one told…

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